
This game had its challenges , excitements and rewards .
My wife is an artist who shares my enthusiasm for adventure and challenging environments .
who would challenge and stimulate me ,
The challenge for policy makers is to stimulate demand , something lower interest rates often achieve .
Only with a lot of sustained hard work can anyone truly succeed in these challenging and exciting fields .
Despite the dangers of bungee jumping , people still line up and pay lots of money to experience the death-challenging thrill .
Horror films seem to work in part through their challenging and ting-a-ling invitation to the viewer to take part in the construction of terror .
Obviously , that rather challenging and provocative notion is something that lends itself readily to the sort of no-nonsense tone that I 'm talking about .
India 's main challenge is to stimulate business investment , which is drying up amid wariness among both domestic and foreign companies about shifting tax policies and regulations .
Undergraduate adaptability procrastination motivation is composed with four dimensions : the preference of time pressure , the seeking for challenges and excitement , the adaptability results of procrastination , and the avoidance of failure . 2 .
B : I like a job that is challenging and exciting .
Water ski will bring us ecstasy in making achievements and thrills in facing challenges .
In winter , the vast Lin , pure white snow , natural ski experience even more stimulating challenges of nature .
Holtz embodied many of the qualities of people drawn to this kind of work ; independent , confident of her ability to rise to a challenge , open to adventure and willing to take a risk .
It 's a challenge , which is very exciting and enriching .
Here let him learn to stand up in the storm ; here let him learn compassion for those who fail .
Students typically have to apply for jobs , a process that is becoming more challenging-even with stimulus money on the way .
I like a job that is challenging and exciting . I like to push myself . I like to use my ability .
But I believe that is an exciting challenge for any planner . P & G is a great corporation , and its project is great also .
Key challenges include the winding down of stimulus measures ; providing for the unemployed in a fiscally sustainable manner ; and maintaining openness towards international trade and investment .
The pioneers have applied these platforms to all manner of challenges , from encouraging consumers to use a new product or service more liberally to reshaping employee behavior or processes .
The daredevil is part of a growing group of ' Skywalkers ' - predominantly from Russia and Ukraine - who push themselves to the limit in search of dangerous thrills .
But again just to give you a sense about what it 's like for me in a day to day bases running this large technology company . It 's very challenging . It 's very exciting .