
  • 网络exponential
  1. 基于指数幂族和高斯混合密度模型的ICA算法

    An ICA Algorithm Based on Exponential Power Family of Densities and Gaussian Mixture Densities Models

  2. 地面振动随距离的负指数幂衰减公式中当量系数k值的大小与强夯夯击能和场地介质条件有关;

    In the minus power function formula of ground vibration attenuation , equivalent coefficient k is associated with the heavy tamping energy and the condition of soil mass in the site ;

  3. 理论分析和计算获得的结论表明,模型描述的整体作战效能符合Lanchester平方律,其网络拓扑结构是非同质的,出度和入度分布服从指数幂律。

    The results obtained mainly by simulation and analysis show that the efficiency of the whole combat network follows the Lanchester 's square-law , and that the topological structure of the network generated by the model is heterogenous , following exponential-law of degree distribution .

  4. 有理指数幂多项式函数及其根的定理

    Polynomial Function with Rational Exponent Power and Theorem of Its Roots

  5. 当然这是指数幂分布的图,因为经济的增长是用百分比来衡量的。

    Of course it 's a logarithmic scale here , but our concept of economy is growth with percent .

  6. 我们发现环型耦合的混沌系统通过开关间歇性同步趋向混沌同步,此间歇性同步符合层流相指数幂分布规律。

    We find that chaos synchronization in circular arrays of chaotic systems can occur through the on off intermittent synchronization with a power law distribution of laminar phases .

  7. 操作水平组的学生在对原型进行扩展时会感到更加困难,特别是面对负整数指数幂和分数指数幂的情况。

    At the former level , students feel it more difficult in the extension of the prototype , especially the exponent with the form ax when x is a negative integer or a fraction .

  8. 结合定性分析,最后得到以下几个结论:(1)高中生对幂的掌握程度良好。错误率最高,难度最突出的是负整数指数幂。

    From both quantitative and qualitative analysis , the following conclusions can be drawn : ( 1 ) High school students have a good command of the concept of exponent . For them , the most difficult part is the power of negative integer exponent .

  9. 使数字自乘为指数的幂。

    Raise a number to the power of an exponent .

  10. 一类指数型幂级数的求和

    The Sum of a Class of Exponential Type Power Series

  11. 复底数和复指数的幂函数的值分布定理

    Distribution Theorems for Values of Power Functions with Complex Bases and Exponents

  12. 环境质量综合指数&幂指数模式的探讨

    An Approach to Composite Index of Environmental Quality & The Model of Power Index

  13. 不同硬化指数的幂次硬化结合材料的界面端奇异性分析

    Singularity Analysis of Interface Edge for Power Law Bonded Materials with Different Hardening Exponents

  14. 本文研究了一类风险模型,其个体索赔额服从指数-幂尾型分布,索赔次数过程为一更新过程,其更新时间间隔服从指数族分布;

    The risk model has been studied in which the individual claim size obeys exponential-power tail distribution and the numbers of claim is a renewal process with an interval time distributed in ED ~ class .

  15. 对计算结果进行分析后发现,对于不同流体指数的幂律流体,其湍流流动的变化趋势不同,从而揭示了幂律流体的流动指数对其湍流流动有重要的影响。

    Analysis of the result indicates that the variation tendency of power law fluid turbulent flow is varied according to the variation of flow exponent . It is concluded that the material parameter & flow exponent has an important influence upon turbulent flow .

  16. 通过对有机质、全氮、C/N比差异较大的10种土壤进行盆栽和培养试验,用对数方程、指数方程、幂函数方程对土壤氮素矿化过程进行了摸拟。

    The pot and incubation experiments were carried out with 10 soils by different indexes including organic matter , total nitrogen content and C / N ratio , nitrogen mineralization processes of soils are simulated using logarithmic , exponential and power functions .

  17. 推导了幂强化材料(RambergOsgood)中心裂纹拉伸试样的塑性功因子ηpl的一个表达式,它可表示为强化指数n、幂率指数m因子和试样形状参数的函数;

    An expression for plastic work factor η _ ( pl ) for power-law hardening ( Ramberg-Osgood ) material center-cracked plate was first derived , expressed as a function of the hardening exponent n ? the power-law exponent m factor and the specimen shape parameters ;

  18. 我们用泊松分布,指数分布和幂律分布这三个常见的度分布作为例子求出了介度表达式的具体形式并在数值模拟中验证了其正确性。

    The formula is confirmed by simulations for Poisson , exponential , and power-law degree distributions .

  19. 本文目的在综合叙述及推导复合指数函数的幂级数之系数间相关不等式。

    In this paper , we describe some inequalities for the Taylor coefficients of a composite exponential function .

  20. 现存文献关于梯度材料断裂问题的研究大都是假设材料性质为坐标的指数函数或幂函数,而对其它函数形式较少采用。

    The material properties of functionally graded materials are usually assumed to follow exponential or power distribution in existing literature .

  21. 结果表明:农地径流量、侵蚀模数随雨强的增加而增加,并与降雨强度呈指数函数或幂函数;

    The results showed that the farmland runoff and soil erosion were increased with the exponential or the power function of the rainfall intensity .

  22. 采用指数函数或幂函数作为自动迎风的权系数,建立高雷诺数(Re)下对流扩散方程的迎风格式。

    In order to develop up-wind scheme for convection-diffusion equation under high Reynolds number , exponent or power function was used as power coefficient of auto up-wind .

  23. 树种数和树木的密度都随高度级、径级的增加而呈负指数或负幂函数递减。

    Both the numbers of tree species and tree density decreased as height class or diameter class increased , fitting both negative exponential and negative power equations .

  24. 研究结果表明:指数函数、幂函数和对数函数对硬质岩弹性模量尺寸效应的拟合效果比较理想;指数函数和对数函数对软质岩弹性模量尺寸效应的拟合效果比较理想;

    It shows that the size effect for modulus of elasticity of hard rock was fitted relatively ideally with exponential function , power function and logarithm function , the size effect for modulus of elasticity of soft rock was fitted relatively ideally with exponential function and logarithm function .

  25. 用指数函数或幂函数模拟高温结构受常机械载荷作用的蠕变应力重分布,对蠕变材料呈初始阶段和第二阶段特性的结构应力重分布可给出有效的估计。

    An exponent or power function is used to simulate the redistributed stresses of the structures subjected to sustained loads , which can give an effective estimation to the creep stress redistribution for materials exhibiting the secondary creep as well as the primary creep . ( 3 ) .

  26. Vasicěk随机利率模型下指数O-U过程的幂型期权鞅定价

    Pricing European Power-function Option Under Exponential Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Process and Vasic ě k Interest Rate with Martingale Method

  27. 本文讨论了股票价格服从指数O-U过程的幂型支付的双标的欧式混合期权的定价问题。

    The pricing problem which bivariate European mixed options of the power payoffs on stocks driven by exponential O-U process is discussed in this paper .

  28. 该模型可以获得指数为-1的幂律形式的时间间隔分布,与一些实证结果相吻合。

    This model can obtain the power-law interevent distribution with exponent-1 , in agreement with many empirical results .

  29. 其次,把得出的方程两边都乘到和根式指数一样高的幂次。

    Next raise both members of the resulting equation to the same power as the index of the radical .

  30. 仿真结果表明,局部世界演化网络在网络连接特性和抗攻击性方面都表现出介于指数分布网络和幂律分布网络之间的过渡特性。

    Simulation results show the existence of transitional behaviors with respect to both connectivity distribution and resilience to errors and attacks in this kind of model networks .