
guà zhōng
  • wall clock;wag-on-the-wall
挂钟 [guà zhōng]
  • (1) [wall clock]∶壁钟

  • (2) [wag-on-the-wall]∶带摆锤而且重锤露出在外的壁钟

挂钟[guà zhōng]
  1. 一个简单的性能指标是挂钟时间(wallclocktime),或测量页面请求与完成呈现之间的实际延迟。

    A simple performance metric is wall clock time , or measuring the real-world delay between a request for a page and a finished rendering .

  2. 这挂钟走得准吗?

    Does the wall clock keep good time ?

  3. 墙上除了一只挂钟什么也没有。

    The walls were bare except for a clock .

  4. 墙上挂钟的指针走动着,发出轻微的咔嗒声。

    The hands of the clock on the wall moved with a slight click .

  5. 他回身看了看挂钟。

    He turned and looked at the clock on the wall .

  6. 他抬起双眼,跟那座逼视着的挂钟打了个照面。

    He raised his eyes and met the stare of a bilious clock .

  7. 墙上有只挂钟吗?

    Is there a clock on the wall ?

  8. 穷人买得起这镶贝壳的挂钟!

    Poor people don 't buy tortoise-shell clocks !

  9. 公用钟,由电池、蓄电池或交流电源驱动(不包括挂钟)

    Clock , public , battery , accumulator or mains powered ( excl. wall cocks )

  10. 他把钥匙放入老挂钟里并给它上发条。

    He put the key in the old clock and gave it a good wind .

  11. 挂钟不会正在钥匙丢失的那会儿突然停摆的。

    A clock does not stop short at the precise moment when the key is lost .

  12. 挂钟的一间屋子(通常是在一个塔的顶端)。

    A room ( often at the top of a tower ) where bells are hung .

  13. 这样的一个光谱神韵产生了一个这样的错觉:当光线改变时,挂钟也在动作。

    This spectrum of textures creates the illusion of movement as the light changes with the clock .

  14. 对面墙上的挂钟只有一根针,没标数字,

    The clock on the wall opposite him had only one hand and no numbers at all .

  15. 他抬起眼皮来,看看左右的挂钟和风雨表。

    He lifted his eyes , and looked at the clock and the barometer on his right hand and on his left .

  16. 可是他没有敢开口。他一直那么规矩地坐着不动,听着挂钟沉缓的响声。

    But he did not dare open his mouth , just sat there stiffly , listening to the unhurried ticking of the wall clock .

  17. 电标准挂钟,(不包括只有分针和或秒针的电挂钟),由电池、蓄电池或交流电源驱动

    Clock , wall , secondary , electric ( excl. those with only minute and / or second-hands ), battery , accumulator or mains powered

  18. 本公司长期供应内销及出口木钟,包括落地钟、布谷鸟钟、挂钟、座钟等。

    Our company supply wooden clocks for domestic and abroad , including grandfather clock , cuckoo clocks , wall clocks , table clocks , etc.

  19. 他觉得房间里静极了,只有挂钟的大摆在嚓嚓地响。

    He became aware of the deep silence of the room ; there was only the steady ticking of the wall clock 's pendulum .

  20. 挂钟,商店、家庭等用,由电池、蓄电池或交流电源驱动(不包括装有表机芯的挂钟)

    Clock , wall , for shops , homes , etc , battery , accumulator or mains powered ( excl. those with watch movements )

  21. 山形墙的一个延伸,可以作为挂钟的地方。纪念馆有一个半圆形的巨大墙壁。

    An extension of a gable that serves as a bell cote . The memorial has a large wall that is shaped in a half-circle .

  22. 你可以通过手表看时间,如果没有表,很多大楼的墙上有挂钟。

    You can see the time on your watch , if you don 't have a watch there are clocks on walls and on many buildings .

  23. 桌子虽凑在一根四角方柱后头,但他仍可以清楚完整地看到壁炉上的挂钟。

    Roland had the small single table he liked best , behind a square pillar , with the clock over the fireplace nevertheless in full view .

  24. 届时,将会有几个机器人用小提琴为游客演奏,游客还会看到一面带有虚拟电视机、挂钟和书架的电子墙,这面墙被称为“生命墙”。

    Several robots will play violins for visitors and a " Life Wall , " an electronic wall with virtual televisions , clocks and bookshelves , will be displayed .

  25. 他在那样的情形下呆着不动,并且也许会一直呆到天明,如果那只挂钟没有敲那一下??报一刻或报半点的一下。

    He remained in this situation , and would have so remained indefinitely , even until daybreak , had not the clock struck one & the half or quarter hour .

  26. 在你离去的时候,我变得熟悉的表情也是挂念/虚.他抬起眼皮来,看看左右的挂钟和风雨表。

    When you 're gone , the face I came to know is missing too . He lifted his eyes , and looked at the clock and the barometer on his right hand and on his left .

  27. 这座公寓看上去好像很多年没人住过了,所有的家具都用布蒙着,墙上没有挂钟,柜台上也没有任何装饰物或家用器具。

    The apartment looked as if no one had lived in it for years . All the furniture was covered with sheets . There were no clocks on the walls , no knickknacks or utensils on the counters .

  28. “现在,”他一边把记事册放回到口袋里,一边说道,“您只管放心吧,您的挂钟的针是不会比我更加准时的。”

    " Now then ," said the count , returning his tablets to his pocket ," make yourself perfectly easy ; the hand of your time-piece will not be more accurate in marking the time than myself . "

  29. 窗外阴沉沉的,就要下雨,挂钟冷漠地发出响声,我烦躁地在空旷的屋子里走来走去,却只能听到自己的脚步声。

    The sky was gloomily cloudy and was going to rain . I stood at the window with the wall clock chiming coldly . I walked restlessly back and forth in the vacant room , only to hear my own footsteps .

  30. 但在重建过程中,拆除时抢救出来的存放于仓库的很多树形吊灯以及挂钟原件却不翼而飞,此举意味着一切物件都得重新打造,乍一看,它们显得太过亮丽。

    But during the build the mysterious disappearance from a warehouse of many of the original chandeliers and clocks salvaged during the demolition means that everything has had to be made anew and at first glance it all looks a bit too shiny .