
ɡuà duàn
  • hang up;ring off
  1. 这些人拿起电话后,他们就会挂断。

    As soon as the phone is picked up , they ring off .

  2. 现在得挂断电话了,我要去赶火车。

    I have to ring off now . I have a train to catch .

  3. 马特突然咯咯笑起来,然后挂断了电话。

    Matt collapsed into giggles and hung up the phone .

  4. 请你不要挂断电话,我去看看她能不能接电话。

    If you hold the line , I 'll see if she is available .

  5. 打电话的人挂断了电话。

    The caller hung up .

  6. 他对着电话呸了一声,然后挂断了。

    He blows a raspberry down the telephone line and hangs up

  7. 他还没来得及催她回答,她就挂断了电话。

    She had rung off before he could press her for an answer .

  8. 他说他会再打过来,就突然挂断了电话。

    He said he 'd call again , and hung up on me .

  9. 我挂断电话,开始哭了起来。

    I hung up the phone and started to cry

  10. 电话接线员让他不要挂断。

    A telephone operator asked him to hold .

  11. 她又惊又气地听着电话,然后啪地挂断了。

    She listened in a mixture of shock and anger before slamming the phone down .

  12. 他砰的一声挂断了电话。

    He banged down the telephone .

  13. “也许明天会更好,”我说着挂断了电话。“我在骗谁啊?”我对沃尔夫说。“明天还是一个样。”

    ' Maybe tomorrow will be better , ' I said , hanging up . ' Who am I kidding ? ' I told Wolfe . ' Tomorrow will be more of the same . '

  14. 接线员请打电话者不要挂断,等候电话接通。

    The operator asked the caller to hold on until a connection was made .

  15. 很遗憾电话占线,请不要挂断。

    I 'm sorry the line is busy , would you like to hang on ?

  16. 保罗挂断了电话,他感到很放松。

    As Paul ended the call , he felt much relaxed .

  17. 电话那头小声地说,"我爱你,爸爸,",然后就挂断了。

    A tiny voice spoke , " I love you , Daddy , " she said and disconnected .

  18. 很多人认为这是一个好主意,但怀疑25美元的罚款是否足够让巴西驾驶员挂断电话。

    Many agree it 's a good idea but doubt the $ 25 fine is enough to get Brazilian drivers to hang up .

  19. 男人挂断电话,合上手机盖,举起握着手机的手,问在场的人:“哪位知道这部手机是谁的?”

    The man hangs up , closes the phone 's flap and raises his hand while holding the phone and asks to all those present : " Does anyone know who this phone belongs to ? "

  20. 这款手机必须先挂断Wi-Fi通话,然后用手机网络重拨。

    The phone had to hang up the Wi-Fi call and redial over cellular .

  21. 客户端主要包括SIP电话的注册、呼叫、挂断、接听、语音、消息传递等功能。

    Client consists of the registering , calling , hanging up , answering , voicing and messaging functions of SIP phone .

  22. 俄罗斯前总统、现任总理弗拉基米尔普京(VladimirPutin)曾提到村民拨打应急部门电话却被挂断的事情。

    Prime minister and former president Vladimir Putin himself has told of country-dwellers calling emergency services which simply hung up .

  23. Icon顶部设有一个单独的多功能键,用于将耳机调到匹配模式、接听或挂断来电,也可实现其它一些功能。

    There is a single multi-function button on the top , which is used to put the headset into pairing mode and to answer or end calls , among other functions .

  24. “刚刚我在跟BruceSnyder交谈”,Jeff挂断电话后告诉我说,他接电话时我迅速地吃了点东西。

    " Now I was just talking with Bruce Snyder ," Jeff told me after wrapping up a phone call while I grabbed a quick bite .

  25. 根据系统需求的分析在基于Android的手机终端实现了执行拨测列表,自动拨打定时挂断以及文件处理。

    According to the analysis of the system requirements in Android-based mobile terminals to achieve the implementation of dial test list , automatic call , hang up regularly , and file handling .

  26. 有了体感外设,消费者要接听电话,只需把手机放在耳朵旁,而挂断电话则直接把手机放入口袋就可以了与去年三星新推出的GalaxyS4相比,这一手势识别功能先进了不少。

    Using Kinect , Nokia could , for example , let you answer your Windows Phone by simply placing it to your ear and hang up by putting the device in your pocket . Those gesture controls are more advanced than what Samsung introduced with its Galaxy S 4 last year .

  27. 他给我打电话,在电话里又挂断了。

    He called and broke up with me on the phone .

  28. 他随即挂断了采访者电话。

    He then abruptly hung up the phone on the interviewer .

  29. 我最好还是先挂断电话吧。

    Once again , I 'd better put my phone away .

  30. 单击“挂断”并放下话筒可以断开连接。

    To disconnect , click hang up and replace the receiver .