
  • 网络Persistent Pain;continuous pain
  1. 方法采用蜜蜂毒(BV)和福尔马林(F)两个持续痛试验模型观察白芷两种剂型灌胃给药的抗伤害作用。

    Methods Two models for persistent pain test induced by bee venom ( BV ) and formalin were used to observe and compare the anti-nociceptive effects .

  2. 年龄≥60岁者占2/3,累及前、侧壁者74.5%,23.5%有梗塞后持续痛或反复痛。

    74.5 % with anterior-lateral infarction and 23.5 % with sustained or recurrent pain .

  3. 抑制大鼠大脑皮层SI区对电针抑制持续性痛反应的影响

    Influence of inhibiting SI cortex on the inhibitory effect of electro acupuncture on the tonic pain response of spinal dorsal horn neurons in the rat

  4. 方法:右后掌足底皮下注射甲醛(5%,0.2ML)诱导持续性痛及痛过敏,用缩足反射实验测定大鼠痛反应。

    METHODS : Formalin ( 5 % , 0.2 mL ) was subcutaneously injected into the plantar side of the right hind paw to produce persistent pain and hyperalgesia . The pain response was determined by spontaneous flinch reflex test .

  5. 鞘内注射异丙酚对大鼠皮下注入蜜蜂毒诱致的持续性痛反应的抑制作用

    Inhibition of bee venom induced persistent pain by intrathecal propofol in rats

  6. 一种新的动物持续性痛反应指标&大鼠抬足时间

    A New Index for Measuring Response of Persistent Pain in Rats : The Paw Withdrawal Time

  7. 针刺而不通电也能显著减轻冷诱发的持续性痛。

    A significant relieving effect on cold induced ongoing pain could also be induced by needle insertion without stimulation .

  8. 虽没有造成身体上的伤害,却让你有持续不断的痛,非常难受。

    This did not cause physical damage , but it caused you to feel a very unnatural feeling , together with an uninterrupted pain .

  9. 行为学测定:实验组大鼠始终未出现热痛过敏症状,而对照组大鼠出现了持续的热痛过敏症状。

    Behavior examination : Hot pain allergic symptom could not be observed on rats in experimental group during the whole experimental process , but continuously appeared in rats of control group .

  10. 目的:椎间盘源性痛可能是慢性、持续性颈肩痛的常见原因之一,其提出对于进一步阐明颈椎病的发病机制和提供新的治疗思路具有重要意义。

    OBJECTIVE : Cervical discogenic pain as one of the reasons for chronic and continuous neck and arm pain is important to clarify the pathogenesis of cervical syndrome and provide new therapy .

  11. 结论早期持续应用镇静止痛药对抢救AMI有积极意义。

    Conclusions It is helpful for early AMI patients continually use pain-killer combined with sedatives .

  12. 休息10min后,改穿身体上部加压服进行7.0G持续15s观察臂痛缓解的程度。

    After 10-minute rest , they wore upper-body pressure suit and were exposed to 7.0 + Gz for 15s for such observation .

  13. 没有感冒,却出现持续性的咽喉痛,咳嗽或声音嘶哑。

    There is no cold , there was persistent sore throat , cough or hoarseness .

  14. 这种疾病是通过奶传染给人类的细菌性疾病,导致持续发烧,关节痛和剧烈的头痛。

    Brucellosis is a bacterial disease passed to humans from milk , causing recurring fever , joint pain and severe headaches .

  15. 持续右上腹钝痛或不适感,或伴右肩胛区疼痛。

    The right upper abdomen is dull pain continuously or uncomfortable sense , or pain in companion 's right shoulder blade district .

  16. 她过得并不开心,一直受到持续头痛、心脏痛的折磨;背部和肋骨的神经压迫无时无刻不困扰着她。

    She was not a happy woman . She had suffered from continuing headaches , heart pain and jammed nerves in her back and ribs .

  17. 临床病理性痛可表现为持续性的自发痛及伴有长时程持续性痛敏和触诱发痛现象。

    In clinic , pathological pain is one of the most frequently observed clinical symptoms , which is characterized by a persistent spontaneous pain , hyperalgesia and touch-evoked pain ( allodynia ) .