
  1. 古希腊罗马地区和古代东方地区各自的镶嵌画传统为拜占庭镶嵌画的产生提供了肥沃的土壤。

    The traditions in the region of ancient Greece and ancient Rome and the eastern areas provided Byzantine mosaic fertile soil .

  2. 本文通过论述拜占庭镶嵌画艺术形成的历史背景、政教合一的色彩情感性、独特的画面构成、材质的肌理效果这几个方面来论证其独特的视觉艺术特征。

    This paper discusses the Byzantine mosaic art form of the historical background , the theocratic color emotion , a unique picture composition , material texture effect in several aspects to demonstrate its unique visual art characteristics .

  3. 拜占庭风格镶嵌画作为古代西方优秀的艺术作品,至今还依旧保持着经久不衰的艺术魅力。

    Byzantine mosaics as excellent works of art in ancient western countries , yet still kept enduring charm .

  4. 本文主要论述拜占庭时期镶嵌画的发展、变迁以及其背后的社会历史。

    This paper discusses the development and changes of Byzantine mosaic , and the social history behind it .

  5. 还有田园圣母院,里面有拜占庭风格的镶嵌画。

    Notre-Dame des Champs , where there were Byzantine mosaics ;