
  1. 基于Priceline的网上逆向拍卖的保留价策略

    An analysis of reserve price and bidding strategies on on-line auctions

  2. 网上分批拍卖中的保留价比较分析

    A comparative analysis of reserve prices on sequential Internet Auctions

  3. 拍卖机制中最优保留价比较分析

    A Comparative Analysis of the Reserve Price in Auctions Mechanism

  4. 本文首先阐明了法院执行中拍卖的法律性质,进而分析了应由法院担任实施拍卖主体的理由,并对拍卖保留价、地点、公告的问题进行了论述。

    This thesis illustrates the nature of auction from the legal sense , then analyses causes that justify the court as auction implementer and discusses issues on auction base price , venue and public announcement .