
  • 网络Ramon;Ramón;Lamont;Lamon
  1. AmartyaSen是拉蒙大学教授以及哈佛大学经济学和哲学教授。

    Amartya Sen is Lamont University Professor and Professor of Economics and Philosophy at Harvard University .

  2. 拉蒙的方法还有另外一个问题。

    There is another problem with Lamont 's method , as well .

  3. 在加州圣拉蒙市TheBridges高尔夫球场工作的PGA职业教练埃里克o琼斯看到了GameGolf在传授高尔夫技能方面的潜力。

    Eric Jones , a PGA professional golf instructor at The Bridges in San Ramon , Calif. , sees teaching potential in Game Golf .

  4. 就像这幅DonnaToney海报,或肖邦,或莫扎特,或拉蒙杨。

    Like this Donna Toney poster , or Chopin , or Mozart , or La Monte Young .

  5. 亲爱的自由球员们,愿你们所有人见信安好,不论戈登-海沃德、凯尔-洛瑞,还是拉蒙-赛森斯、K.J.麦克丹尼尔斯。

    Dear NBA free agents , I hope this letter finds you well - all of you , from Gordon Hayward and Kyle Lowry , to Ramon Sessions and K.J. McDaniels .

  6. 我想你现在最好到外面去,拉蒙。

    I think you 'd better go back outside now , ramon .

  7. 噢,是吗,拉蒙对我提起过。

    Oh , yeah , Ramon mentioned it to me .

  8. 拉蒙认为这个过程起作用恰恰是因为人们相信它的公正性。

    The process works , Lamont argues , precisely because people believe in it .

  9. 有几个把我按在地上,拉蒙用我的长柄勺子打我。

    Several of them held me down while Ramon struck me with my ladle .

  10. 我正在跟我丈夫拉蒙学英语哪,也要跟您学呀!

    Hopkins I 'm just learning from my husband Larmon and will also from you !

  11. 正是在这个背景下我们才能最好地欣赏拉蒙的风格。

    It 's in this context that we can best appreciate Lamont 's own style .

  12. 拉蒙在音乐节大名鼎鼎,并且共获得了14项格莱美大奖。

    Ramone worked with the biggest names in the music business and won 14 Grammys .

  13. 皇马俱乐部总裁拉蒙。卡尔德隆说,今年秋天他多次想与贝克汉姆续约。

    Real president Ramon Calderon said many times in the autumn that he wanted to extend Beckham 's contract .

  14. 拉蒙集中在评价过程上的大学描述是苍白无力的,这确实令人感到奇怪。

    Lamont 's account of the university , focusing as it does on procedures of judgment , proves to be curiously bloodless .

  15. 去年,在距离硅谷腹地不远的加州圣拉蒙市,公司专门成立了一个负责软件开发的部门。

    Last year the company opened a facility dedicated to software development in San Ramon , Calif. & not far from the heart of Silicon Valley .

  16. 凯特、拉蒙、西比阿诺等人成为现代人的代表,苦苦追寻着生命的意义和新生的希望;

    Kate , Ramon and Cipriano are the representatives of the modern man , fighting to gain the significance of existence and the hope for a new life ;

  17. 三中队的新飞机预计将业务从拉蒙空军基地的内心深处,内盖夫2008年与第一击抵港的飞机在下个月。

    Three squadrons of the new aircraft are expected to be operational from the Ramon airbase deep inside the Negev by2008 with the first strike aircraft arriving next month .

  18. 爵爷、马夫拉蒙爵爷、奥克特西安爵爷、雷斯蒂玛爵爷,还有——啊呀,另外一个可记不住了。“”陛下,是罗普爵爷。“德里宁说。

    Lord Octesian , the Lord Restimar , and - oh , that other one who 's so hard to remember . " " The Lord Rhoop , Sire , " said Drinian .

  19. 所以,虽然拉蒙的著作做了很多重要的事,但它没能告诉读者教授们在学术研究最佳状态时的真实想法。

    And so while Lamont 's book does many important things very well , the one thing it fails to do is to describe how professors , at their best , actually think .

  20. 我觉得,当拉蒙讨论我所在的英语学科时,这种差别表现得最明显,但没有理由相信它不存在于其他学科。

    This difference is most obvious to me when Lamont is discussing my own discipline , English , but there 's no reason to believe that it 's not present in other disciplines as well .

  21. 另一位权威啤酒专家、巴塞罗纳大学医院的拉蒙•艾特鲁赫教授曾表示,只需喝半品脱啤酒,就能对健康产生一些益处。

    Another leading beer expert , Professor Ramon Etruch of the University Hospital in Barcelona , had previously said that only a single unit 's worth of beer is required to obtain some of the beneficial health effects .

  22. 其他可能的人选包括大学生队主帅亚历克斯•萨贝利亚、独立队前主帅阿梅利科•加列戈、前国家队主帅马塞洛•贝尔萨、以及前河床队、国际米兰队、阿根廷队前锋拉蒙•迪亚斯。

    Other names circulating as possible successors include Estudiantes coach Alex Sabella , Independiente 's former coach Americo Gallego , former Argentina coach Marcelo Bielsa and ex-River Plate , Inter Milan and Argentina striker Ramon Diaz . Vocabulary :

  23. 已经有不少西方艺术家在中国作了演出,作为回报,三位中国艺术家星期三晚上在丹佛大学进行了演出,音乐会由该大学的拉蒙音乐学院主办。

    With any number of Western artists having performed in the people 's Republic of china , the favor was returned Wednesday night as three Chinese artists performed under the auspices of the Lamont School of music at the University of denver .