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Latvians hold masquerade parties , and Rumanians sing a carol concerning Emperor Trajan and a bull .
Many Latvians , including some in Mr Dombrovkis 's party , fear it would subvert the role of Latvian as the national language and increase Russian influence .
How does it feel to be the first Latvian to win an ATP World Tour title ?
I don 't look at it like I 'm the first Latvian to win a title .
Latvians believe that Father Christmas brings presents on each of the 12th days of Christmas starting on Christmas Eve .
Originally from Latvia , Jacob lived in Reno , Nevada , and regularly purchased bolts of cloth from the wholesale house of Levi Strauss & Co.
The anthem first appeared in the second half of the19th century when the Latvian people were beginning to openly exhibit a strong sense of national pride and identity .
Although the second-language referendum is seen as having little chance of passing , the question has triggered a heated debate between the country 's large ethnic Russian and Latvian populations .
That 's not necessarily true of all Europeans : the poll found that people from smaller countries like Portugal , Greece , Ireland and Latvia were much more enthusiastic about working for themselves .
Reinforced by the military , the police engaged the criminals in a lengthy gun battle , during which the Latvians fired more than 400 rounds and a bullet tore through Churchill 's hat .
It 's been noted that the killings reflected something of a culture clash - the Latvians were familiar with the armed and brutally violent Russian police , while the baton-wielding British bobbies were completely taken by surprise and unable to defend themselves .
Latvia Latvians believe that Father Christmas brings presents on each of the 12
Of or relating to or characteristic of Latvia or its people or language .
Salaks says if there are still people in Latvia who do not know the official language , it means they have not tried to learn it .