
  • 网络Laval nozzle
  1. 拉瓦尔喷管的电铸层有一定的均匀性要求。

    The deposit of laval nozzle has a certain thickness uniformity requirements .

  2. 复合发动机选用拉瓦尔喷管的可行性分析

    The feasibility analysis of Laval nozzle applied to the complex rocket motor

  3. 根据拉瓦尔喷管原理设计出一种新型低压超音速雾化器,用63A焊锡和SnAg系无铅焊锡进行了雾化试验研究。

    A new type atomizer designed on the theory of Laval jet is tested in atomization experiment with 63A solder and Sn Ag lead free solder .

  4. 拉瓦尔喷管计算模型的改进及其整机仿真验证

    Improvement of Laval nozzle calculation model and simulative verification in aero-engine performance calculation

  5. 拉瓦尔喷管的本质是流速增大器。

    Laval-nozzle essentially is a velocity increasing equipment .

  6. 环境压力大偏差条件下拉瓦尔喷管发动机高空推力的确定

    Thrust Determination of an Engine with Laval Nozzle with Large Simulated Ambient Pressure Deviation

  7. 研究得出,拉瓦尔喷管滑动弧存在四类电压突变点;电流大体上呈正弦曲线波动。

    There are four types of gliding arc of the Laval nozzle voltage mutations are found . Current substantially show regular sinusoidal fluctuations .

  8. 流化床式气流磨是通过拉瓦尔喷管将压缩空气体加速成超音速气流,喷入粉碎室。

    Compressed air is accelerated into supersonic through the Laval nozzle jet in the system of Fluidized bed-type jet mill and smashed into the room .

  9. 试验结果表明,在保证推力不确定度优于1.0%的条件下,拉瓦尔喷管发动机高空模拟试验的模拟偏差容限约为14%。

    The test result shows that maximum tolerance of the simulated ambient pressure deviation is about 14 % under which the engine thrust uncertainty remains less than 1.0 % .

  10. 本文结合国家科研项目,对拉瓦尔喷管气流反推驱动方式的内能源转管武器的系统动力学问题进行了深入的理论研究。

    Combined with the national scientific research project , this paper studies theoretically and deeply the kinetic problem of Gatling weapon system with inner energy source based on the Laval jet-driving mode .

  11. 在工业自动化领域,气动真空吸取技术有着广泛的应用,射流式真空发生器是分布式真空吸取系统的核心元件,它根据拉瓦尔喷管原理进行工作。

    In the flied of industrial automation , pneumatic vacuum technology is used wildly . The vacuum ejector which based on principle of Laval nozzles is a key component in a distributed vacuum system .

  12. 超声速风洞的特点是必须有产生均匀超音速气流的拉瓦尔喷管,并且一定喷管形状对应一定马赫数。

    The characteristics of supersonic wind tunnel is that it must have a Laval nozzle which can generate a supersonic flow by uniform and one shape of the nozzle must correspond to one mach number .

  13. 气动偏心是影响无控火箭密集度的主要原因之一,本文研究不同型面拉瓦尔喷管产生侧向力、推力偏心力矩的规律,结合实验研究,丰富和完善了微推偏喷管的设计方法。

    Thrust misalignment caused by gas flow is one of the main reasons for uncontroled-rocket dispersion . This dissertation researches the rule of side thrust and misalignment moment according to Laval nozzle of different type inner profiles .

  14. 提出了实验改用热爆炸固结方法,根据拉瓦尔喷管原理推导出飞板的加速方程,并与格尼方程进行对比。

    The method of heat explosive compaction is put forward in succession . According to the principle of Laval nozzle , the process of acceleration of flying board is deduced and is contrasted to the Gurney equation .

  15. 在拉瓦尔喷管入口截面和出口截面气流压力一定的情况下,拉瓦尔喷管内腔形状设计的优劣决定了流化床式气流磨的整体性能。

    Under the premise of the certain airflow pressure of airflow pressure of import section and export section of nozzle , design quality of internal cavity of Laval nozzle weigh overall performance of Fluidized bed jet mill .

  16. 简析了拉瓦尔喷管发动机高空模拟试验的特殊性,提出了大模拟偏差条件下确定和修正拉瓦尔喷管发动机推力的方法。

    The particularity of the altitude simulated test of an engine with Laval nozzle was analyzed in brief . The engine thrust determination and correction in altitude test with large deviation of simulated ambient pressure was put forward .

  17. 当喷射泵采用的拉瓦尔喷管的喉管直径越大,其喷射能力和抽吸能力越强。

    The larger the area of jet pump water inlet is , the better it is for drawing liquid ; When a jet pump uses the bigger - diameter throat tube of Laval nozzle , its injection capacity and drawing capacity is stronger .