
  • 网络rasmussen
  1. 拉斯姆森先生还有一个妻子和三个孩子

    Mr. Rasmussen leaves behind a wife and three children .

  2. 博奇和拉斯姆森看过这个了吗

    Have Birch and Rasmussen seen this ?

  3. 拉斯姆森女士告诉我们:该《指导原则》做了这么多改变,令我很吃惊。

    I was surprised by how much the guidelines had changed , Rasmussen told us .

  4. 大家好,我是彼得。拉斯姆森。

    Hi , I 'm Peter Rasmussen .

  5. 警方不会对拉斯姆森先生的死和数天之前詹姆斯·霍尔德的案子是否有关发表评论

    The police will not comment if there 's a connection between Mr. Rasmussen 's death and the murder of James Holder a few nights ago .

  6. 美联社援引丹麦总理拉斯姆森的话说,这个消息令他感到震惊,但恐怖主义不会导致丹麦改变其价值观。这些嫌疑人因试图实施恐怖行动的初步指控,将于星期四出庭受审。

    Danish Prime Minister Lars Loekke Rasmussen is quoted by the Associated Press as saying he was " shocked " by the news , but that terrorism would not lead the country to change its values .