
  • Rafael;Raphael;Raffaello
  1. 这幅画模仿了拉斐尔的风格。

    This picture is in the manner of Raphael .

  2. 拉斐尔是位名画家。

    Raphael was a famous painter .

  3. 它的上方挂着一幅拉斐尔的油画。

    Above it there is an oil painting by Rapheal .

  4. 在19世纪50年代,人们认为列奥纳多·达·芬奇无法与提香和拉斐尔等文艺复兴时期的艺术巨擘相比,他们的作品价值几乎是《蒙娜丽莎》的十倍。

    In the 1850s , Leonardo da Vinci was considered no match for giants of Renaissance art like Titian and Raphael , whose works were worth almost ten times as much as the " Mona Lisa " .

  5. 为拉斐尔诊断的磁铁诊所(MagnetClinic)去年进行了9600例H.I.V.检测。

    The Magnet Clinic , where Rafael was diagnosed , did 9600 H.I.V. tests last year .

  6. 全世界都可以看到拉斐尔(Rafael)的画作,在报纸上、网站上,以及在你的手机上。

    The world sees a Rafael drawing and it 's in every newspaper , every website , and here on phones .

  7. 下图中,亚特兰提斯正在靠近ISS,其舱门已经打开,拉斐尔多用途后勤舱闪着微弱的金属光泽。

    Pictured above , Atlantis rises toward the ISS with its cargo bay doors open , showing a gleaming metallic Raffaello Multi-Purpose Logistics Module .

  8. Hussein的造型是混合了高雅的巴黎感觉的阳刚之气,以及一种突破前拉斐尔派的希冀。

    The look for Hussein was about mixing masculinity with chic Parisian savoir faire , and a broken glamorous pre-raphaelite texture with straight jagged ends .

  9. 拉斐尔•桑西(RaphaelSanti),是意大利文艺复兴三杰中最为年轻的一位。

    Raphael Santi was the youngest of the three great masters of the Italian Renaissance .

  10. CharlesRiverVentures合伙人拉斐尔o科拉莱斯认为,学术界、基础设施以及政策等诸多领域的发展,表明2014年是迄今对比特币而言最重要的一年,尽管在此期间比特币波动很大。

    Rafael Corrales , a partner at Charles River Ventures , believes that the growth in a wide range of fields from academia to infrastructure to policy is a sign that 2014 was the biggest year bitcoin has had yet , despite its volatility .

  11. 德勤(Deloitte)纽约的首席创新官乔恩•拉斐尔(JonRaphael)表示,该事务所“开始聘用更多帮助进行数据分析和数据采集的专业人士”。

    Jon Raphael , chief innovation officer at Deloitte in New York said the firm was " starting to hire more specialists to help with data analysis and data acquisition . "

  12. 环球钢讯(SteelBusinessBriefing)驻上海的分析师拉斐尔哈尔平(RafaelHalpin)表示:中国正利用一切机会无论多么徒劳来表达对矿商的不满。但我不确定他们能拿出什么实际行动。

    China is taking every opportunity , however futile , to express its dissatisfaction with the miners , said Rafael Halpin , analyst at Steel Business Briefing in Shanghai . But I 'm not sure what they could do in reality .

  13. 厄瓜多尔总统拉斐尔•科雷亚(RafaelCorrea)宣布该国进入紧急状态,他中断了对罗马的访问,敦促厄瓜多尔人在当局处理这场灾难的时候保持坚强。

    Rafael Correa , Ecuador 's president , declared a national emergency and cut short a visit to Rome , as he urged Ecuadoreans to stay strong while authorities handle the disaster .

  14. 美国和厄瓜多尔之间的关系近年紧张,厄瓜多尔总统拉斐尔.科雷亚(RafaelCorrea)公开批评美国,指责华盛顿方面试图破坏他的政府。

    Relations between the US and Ecuador have been strained in recent years as President Rafael Correa emerged as an outspoken US critic , accusing Washington of trying to undermine his government .

  15. 除曼苏尔外,NSO的其他目标还包括墨西哥记者拉斐尔•卡布雷拉(RafaelCabrera)。他写了一篇揭露墨西哥统治家族中的利益冲突的报道。

    Among the other NSO targets , besides Mr. Mansoor , were Rafael Cabrera , a Mexican journalist , who broke a story on conflicts of interest among Mexico 's ruling family .

  16. 当时油画还属新兴事物,但拉斐尔对绘画掌握已十分纯熟,以至于他的技巧被称为sprezzatura,大意是作画过程被技巧准确地掩盖。

    Raphael got so good with the then new medium of oil paint that his technique became known as sprezzatura , meaning , roughly , to hide with technical facility exactly how anything is done .

  17. 拉斐尔呼吸机的保养维护和常见故障排除

    Maintenance and elimination of common breakdown of the RAPHAEL ventilator

  18. 我对拉斐尔因伤错过决赛感到遗憾。

    I was just sorry that Rafael missed the final through injury .

  19. 我们已经通知瓦伦西亚,我们不会卖拉斐尔(范德法特)。

    We communicated Valencia that we will not sell Rafael .

  20. 拉斐尔为了找回状态很努力,他很有热情,很坚强。

    Rafa 's worked really hard to get his fitness levels back .

  21. 拉斐尔26岁时被诊断出自闭症。

    Rafael was diagnosed with autism when he was 26 .

  22. 谢谢你帮助拉斐尔战胜恐惧来做这件事。

    Thank you for helping Raphael get over his fear of doing this .

  23. 达芬奇、米开朗基罗、拉斐尔和毕加索,都是左撇子。

    Da vinci , michelangelo , raphael , and Picasso were all left-handers .

  24. 这幅未署名的画被错误地认为是拉斐尔的作品。

    The unsigned painting was wrongly attributed to Raphael .

  25. 拉斐尔是不是她凝视的对象?

    Is Raphael himself the object of her gaze ?

  26. 尽管拉斐尔没做什么错事,但他还是挨骂了。

    Rafael was scolded even though he hadn 't been doing anything wrong .

  27. 拉斐尔:我们俩人看看是否可以弄明白。

    Rafael : Let 's see if we can figure it out together .

  28. 拉斐尔现在已经不会那么冒失了。

    The thing about Rafael is that he 's not making any rash decisions .

  29. 拉斐尔不是头一回碰上保险套破了这种事,所以一点儿也没放在心上。

    It wasn 't his first broken condom , so Rafael didn 't worry .

  30. 什么,又一本关于前拉斐尔派的书?

    What , another book about the pre-raphaelites ?