
  • 网络Raqqa;Racah;Lakka
  1. 根据Ne原子的拉卡模型分析He-Ne纵向塞曼激光器

    Analysis of He-Ne longitudinal Zeeman laser on basis of Racah model of Ne atom

  2. 对其能级、晶场强度参数Dq和拉卡参数做了近似计算,并估算了与激光性能关系密切的光谱学参数。

    The energy levels , crystal field strength parameter D , and Racah parameters were calculated approximately and finally , some SpectroScopic data which are important for laser performances were estimated .

  3. 布拉卡那幢紧靠斯隆广场的房子是他喜好哥特式建筑的一个证据。

    Braka 's house , just off Sloane Square , is a testament to his Gothic tastes

  4. 杰里米因慢性头疼已从美国空军(USAirForce)病退,拉卡莎则刚刚辞职,把更多时间投身于教会工作。

    Jeremy had been medically retired from the US Air Force for chronic headaches and LaKasha had just left her job to become more involved with her church .

  5. 普里扬卡•普拉卡什现任FitSmallBusiness的融资专家,也曾是一名商业律师,她表示,记忆退化、重心转移及对原先共识产生分歧都可能为自己和朋友或亲人间造成困扰。

    Memories fade , priorities get shifted and clashing opinions over what you originally agreed to can cause problems between friends or family , says Priyanka Prakash , a finance specialist at Fit Small Business and a former business attorney .

  6. 你能在拉卡普里亚(LaCapria)酒店里找到这个季节中的最佳床铺。该酒店拥有20个房间,内配有融合了摩洛哥与地中海风情的家具,它还拥有自己25米高的帆船,这是为夏末阳光中的环岛游配备的。

    This season 's best beds are found at La Capria , a 20-room hotel with Moroccan-meets-Mediterranean furnishings and its own 25-meter gulet for island hopping in the late-summer sun .

  7. 打击ISIS的军事联盟获得了美国的支持,他们几乎完全包围了拉卡市。

    And coalition forces , who are supported by the U.S. , have almost entirely surrounded the city .

  8. 那一年他们家的圣诞合影上有拉卡莎、杰里米、他们的儿子佩顿(Peyton)和一张贝拉的相片。

    Their Christmas photo that year shows LaKasha , Jeremy , their son Peyton and a framed portrait of Bella .

  9. 我最喜欢的电视节目是《夏卡拉卡蹦蹦》(ShakaLakaBoomBoom),这是一个印度儿童节目,讲的是有一支神奇铅笔的男孩子桑竹的故事。

    My favourite programme was Shaka Laka Boom Boom , an Indian children 's series about a boy called Sanju who has a magic pencil .

  10. 异见者称ISIS急于向人们展示其控制下的伊拉克摩苏尔和叙利亚拉卡市的生活一往如常,《每日星报》报道。

    Dissidents revealed that the regime is desperate to portray life as normalunder ISIS in Mosul , Iraq and Raqqa , Syria , according to the Daily Star .

  11. 闲步历史//普拉卡(Plaka)区和蒙纳斯提拉奇(Monastiraki)区。

    HISTORIC STROLL / / Plaka and Monastiraki .

  12. 没有哪里比EstadioMarioFilho更能象征里约热内卢和巴西的变化,或者为人所知的马拉卡纳。

    Nowhere is more symbolic of the changes happening in Rio and in Brazil than the Estadio Mario Filho otherwise known as Maracana .

  13. 我们同时也找到了SU(2)lWZW模型的交叉矩阵与SL(2,q)量子群的辫子矩阵(即量子拉卡系数)的明显关系。

    We find also the explicit connection between the crossing matrix of SU ( 2 ) _r WZW model and the braid matrix of SL ( 2 , q ) quantum group , the latter is just the quantum Racah coefficient .

  14. 但ISIS在叙利亚的地盘正受到美国空军和叙利亚库尔德民兵组织的压力,他们正准备向南推进,进逼ISIS的大本营拉卡(Raqqa)。

    But Isis territory in Syria is coming under pressure from the US air force and Syrian Kurdish militia , now poised to push south towards Raqqa , the group 's stronghold .

  15. 夏季在普拉卡区有一处非比寻常的露天电影院,它的独特之处在于它建在一个屋顶花园之中,可以俯瞰帕特农神庙(Parthenon)。

    In the summer months , there 's a marvelous open-air cinema in Plaka called Cine Paris . It is unique because it 's in a rooftop garden and has a view of the Parthenon .

  16. 2013年5月贝拉被移交给斯特里克兰夫妇,拉卡莎拍下了她当时凄惨绝望的表情,并把视频传到YouTube上,标题为“领养日/贝拉•新•克莱尔”。这个童话般的结局开始得并不顺利。

    The abject misery in her face at the handover to the Stricklands in May 2013 is captured in a video LaKasha posted on YouTube entitled " Gotcha Day / Bella Xin KaLare . " The fairy-tale ending got off to a very rough start .

  17. 库恩和拉卡托斯模糊了划界标准,使之成为相对标准;

    Kuhn and Lakatos blur the criteria and make it relative .

  18. 拉卡托斯科学编史学研究纲领与认识论解释学

    Lakatos ' Research Programs of the Historiography of Science and Epistemological Hermeneutics

  19. 住在马拉卡纳附近的人们并不都对进展感到满意。

    Near to the Maracana not all are happy with the progress .

  20. 在拉卡市的街道上有一座被毁坏的老桥。

    Down the street , an old bridge in Raqqa has been .

  21. 在佛拉卡萨鲁曼混合了半兽人和精灵

    By foul craft , Saruman has crossed Orcs with Goblin-men

  22. 政府在夺回马拉卡尔市的控制权以后提出停火倡议。

    The government proposed the ceasefire after retaking the city of Malakal .

  23. 拉卡托斯拟经验主义数学观与启示

    Conception of Mathematics of Lakatos ' Quasi-empiricism and Inspiration

  24. 拉卡托斯的知识论是目前最优秀的知识理论之一。

    Lakatos ' theory of knowledge is among the best epistemological theories today .

  25. 科学史的合理重建与社会学重构&拉卡托斯与夏平科学编史学思想之比较

    The Rational and Sociological Reconstructions of History of Science

  26. 试论拉卡托斯数学哲学思想的产生背景和思想根源

    The formation of Lakatos ' mathematical philosophy : its background and ideological roots

  27. 他们不要让这个“漂亮的污点”在马拉卡纳旁边。

    They don 't want this " beauty spot " beside the Maracana .

  28. 拉卡莎说,主激起我们的渴望,于是我们开始寻觅这样的机会。

    God stirred our hearts and we started searching .

  29. 1942年,电影卡萨布拉卡的首映式在纽约城的好莱坞剧场举行。

    The film Casablanca premieres at the Hollywood Theater in New York City .

  30. 那拉卡市内是什么情况?

    So , what 's it like inside Raqqa ?