
chōu fēng
  • induced draft;convulsions;spasms;fall into convulsions;covulsions;convulsive seizures
抽风 [chōu fēng]
  • (1) [induced draft]∶通过一定设备,把风吸进来

  • (2) [convulsions]∶手脚痉挛、口眼歪斜的症状

抽风[chōu fēng]
  1. 这车间设有抽风装置。

    This workshop has air-pumping equipment .

  2. 如果风管抽风过度的话,热量就会从烟囱直接跑掉了。

    If the flue overdraws , all the heat goes right up the chimney .

  3. 该研究于60年前在Framingham和马萨诸塞进行,用于研究更多关于心脏病和抽风的风险。

    That study began sixty years ago in Framingham , Massachusetts , to learn more about the risks of heart attack and stroke .

  4. 研究表明,采用压缩空气引流后,可使抽风式烘烤装置的抽风流量由原来的0.2m3·s-1提高到0.36m3·s-1,水口的预热升温曲线更趋合理。

    The study indicates that the volume of blowing increases from 0.2 m 3 · s - 1 to 0.36 m 3 · s - 1 and its preheating temperature-rising curves may look more reasonable after the Jet and Conduction technology is used in the Fan Blower System .

  5. 链篦机-回转窑抽风干燥烟气的净化

    Purification of Exhausted Dry flue-Gas From the Chain Grate Machine-Rotary Kiln

  6. 烧结抽风机叶轮磨损与修复

    Abrasion wear of wheels of down draft fan and its repair

  7. 提高烧结抽风机转子叶片寿命的研究

    Improvement of service life of rotor blades in sintering exhaust fan

  8. 复杂环境下抽风机基础的控制爆破

    The Controlled Blasting of the Exhaust Fan Foundation in Complicated Situations

  9. 最佳抽风系统,确保良好的工作环境。

    The best ventilation system to ensure of a good working environment .

  10. 模糊聚类分析在抽风机故障诊断中应用

    Application of Fuzzy Clustering Analysis for the Fault Diagnosis of Suction Fan

  11. 我想我快要高兴到抽风了。

    I think I 'm gonna throw up , too .

  12. 我不喜欢它们因为它们抽风。

    I don 't like them because they 're convulsive .

  13. 锅炉抽风机风叶喷涂修复的研究

    Research on Spraying Repair for the Impeller of Boiler Blower

  14. 有效抽风或配戴防毒口罩。

    Operating under effective ventilation system or wear carbon mask .

  15. 老天,你就像只圣诞抽风猴子

    Jeez , you 're like a Christmas crack monkey .

  16. 延长烧结抽风机使用寿命的措施

    A Measure to Prolong the Service Life of the Exhaust Fan for Sintering

  17. 烧结主抽风机的在线监测诊断系统

    The System of On-Line Monitor and Diagnosis of the Main Exhauster of Sintering

  18. 他被鬼抓住-污鬼能使人抽风。

    Spirit seizes him-The evil spirit was causing seizures .

  19. 烧结抽风机故障分析与诊断

    Analysis and Diagnosis of Failure of Sintering Draught Fan

  20. 武钢二烧1号主抽风机振动故障的诊断与处理

    Trouble diagnoses and removal of main suction fan in WISCO No.2 sintering plant

  21. 豪顿烧结主抽风机故障分析与排查

    Troubles Analysis and remedy of Howden main sintering fan

  22. 放射性排出物检查处置抽风机排出口调节门

    Controlled disposal of radioactive effluents exhaust blower discharge damper

  23. 动能自控密封器在烧结主抽风机上的应用

    Application of kinetic energy automatic control axle sealing device in main sintering fan

  24. 破谷歌输入法,更抽风似的,又好了。

    Pull harder * fuck , I can 't type in Chinese again .

  25. 济钢2×90m~2烧结主抽风机改造实践

    Transforming Practice of Main Exhaust Fan of 2 × 90m ~ 2 Sinter Machine

  26. 钢铁厂的铁矿烧结车间用抽风系统将生产过程混入空气中的粉尘和有害气体抽走。

    The exhaust system draws out the dust and harmful gas in sintering process .

  27. 新型空气净化器及其抽风机的空气动力性能研究

    Research on Aerodynamic Performance of New Type of Air Purifier and Induced Draft Fan

  28. 进口与国产烧结主抽风机设备性能分析与比较

    Feature Analysis and Comparison of Sintered Main Drawing Fan Between Exteranl and Domestic Products

  29. 抽风柜与水浴除尘器在除尘系统中的应用

    Application of Air - extracting Cabinet and Water Bath Scrubber in Dust Removal System

  30. 采用内建式抽风系统循环应用,让受热体有预温,保温功用。

    The cycling Build-up removal air system make the material prewarming and keeping temperature .