
chōu xiànɡ huà
  • abstract painting
  1. 来自NASA的斯必择和哈勃空间望远镜的新画面看起来更像是一幅抽象画而不是一幅宇宙的快照。

    A new image from NASA 's Spitzer and Hubble Space Telescopes looks more like an abstract painting than a cosmic snapshot .

  2. 我本打算用斧头把一幅DayGlo的抽象画砍了。

    I had planned to chop up a DayGlo abstract painting using an axe .

  3. 展览会上抽象画与令人震惊的照片并列展出。

    In the exhibition , abstract paintings are juxtaposed with shocking photographs .

  4. 他的职业生涯延续了大约50年,作品既有抽象画也有写实画。

    His career spanned some 50 years and encompassed both abstract and figurative painting .

  5. 她的几幅抽象画已被(伦敦)泰特陈列馆买下。

    Several of her abstracts had been bought by the tate .

  6. 它计划7月4日和让它变新(MakeItNew)展览同时开幕,这个展览是国家美术馆的抽象画展览。

    It is scheduled to open on July 4 with Make It New , a show of abstract paintings from the National Gallery of Art .

  7. 它计划7月4日和“让它变新”(MakeItNew)展览同时开幕,这个展览是国家美术馆的抽象画展览。

    It is scheduled to open on July 4 with " Make It New , " a show of abstract paintings from the National Gallery of Art .

  8. 他的面具系列画与线性抽象画(比如《无题No.1》)有着显著的差异,这从他最后一批面具画开始出现。

    His various Mask paintings are remarkably different from linear abstractions such as Untitled No.1 , which followed at about the time of the last of the Masks .

  9. 这一次古泽组织的拍卖会上还会有马克·罗思科(MarkRothko)20世纪50年代的抽象画,估价在4000万美元左右;莫奈(Monet)1902年的系列油画,估价约为3500万美元。

    Other works in Mr. Gouzer 's sale include a 1950s Mark Rothko abstract , estimated at about $ 40 million , and a 1902 Monet series painting , at about $ 35 million .

  10. 抽象画、抽象派画家。

    An abstract painting , painter Of or derived by abstraction .

  11. 但是,抽象画却不是中国的通俗艺术形式。

    However , the abstract is not popular art form .

  12. 我真的很喜欢今天看到的这些抽象画。

    I really like these abstract painting we saw today .

  13. 他将看舞台剧比喻成欣赏抽象画。

    He compares watching a stage drama to appreciating an abstract painting .

  14. 对于大众来说,抽象画太高太远、不可理解。

    For the public , abstract too far , can not understand .

  15. 我真的很喜欢我们昨天看的那些抽象画。

    I really like those abstract paintings we saw yesterday .

  16. 你喜欢抽象画,是吗?

    You prefer abstract paintings , don 't you ?

  17. 抽象画通常跟主题没有关系。

    Astract paintings often look nothing like their subjects .

  18. 抽象画,属于丹麦的新艺术了,颜色十分漂亮。

    The new art-abstract art in the new gallery , which has beautiful colors .

  19. 让我想起了西方的抽象画。

    It reminds me of Western abstract painting .

  20. 两个小男孩正在一家美术店看一幅抽象画。

    Two little boys were looking at an abstract painting in an art shop .

  21. 他的影片简直就像抽象画。

    His films are almost like abstract paintings .

  22. 你相信这幅抽象画是出自一个六岁的女孩之手吗?

    Can you believe that this abstract painting was painted by a six-year-old girl ?

  23. 真正的抽象画不是这样的。

    These are not the best abstract painting .

  24. 大型作品《抽象画》拍出3000多万美元。

    For a giant Abstract Painting that 's sold for more than 30 million .

  25. 你对抽象画有爱好吗?

    Do you go for abstract paintings ?

  26. 敖江滩涂海边的巨幅抽象画

    Giant abstract drawing along the seaside

  27. 看到那幅抽象画时,你第一个想到的是什麽?

    What 's the first thing that came to mind when you saw that abstract painting ?

  28. 我公司在北京是专业为深圳多公司提供抽象画样品的专业机构。

    Our company is professional in beijing , shenzhen and more companies provide abstract sample small companies .

  29. 没有素描能力的画家所画的抽象画无法给人深刻印象。

    It 's impossible to is impress by abstract painting when the artist can not even draw well .

  30. 蔡居的表现性抽象画最显著的特征是中国元素和原始美。

    What marks the expressiveness of CAI ju 's abstract paintings are the Chinese elements and primitive beauty .