
bào fù
  • ambition;aspiration;lofty aim
抱负 [bào fù]
  • [aspiration;ambition] 志向;愿望

  • 抱负不凡

  • 反对君主制度的抱负

抱负[bào fù]
  1. 但同时青少年也应该有崇高的目标,包括为更广阔的社会做贡献、热爱国家、有自己成为领导者的抱负。

    But there is also a place in a young life for noble purposes that include a dedication to the broader society , a love of country and an aspiration to make their own leadership contributions .

  2. 一条道德的道路,一种抱负的时尚(b兰斯莫罗)

    A moral trajectory , a style of aspiration ( bLance Morrow )

  3. 大学的目标是帮助学生实现他们的抱负。

    The college 's aim is to help students achieve their aspirations .

  4. 他要实现的抱负仍然是一个梦想。

    The attainment of his ambitions was still a dream .

  5. 我没有意识到你有政治上的抱负。

    I didn 't realize you had political aspirations .

  6. 这就实现了他的宏伟抱负。

    It was the realization of his greatest ambition .

  7. 他很难兼顾事业上的抱负和孩子们的需要。

    It was hard to reconcile his career ambitions with the needs of his children .

  8. 她总是鼓励儿子要树立远大抱负。

    She had always nurtured great ambitions for her son .

  9. 政治抱负和个人野心开始压倒经济利益。

    Political and personal ambitions are starting to prevail over economic interests .

  10. 我年轻时的抱负是成为一个发明家。

    In my youth my ambition had been to be an inventor .

  11. 之前年少时对理想抱负怀有的一腔热情很快便被现实浇灭。

    The early ambitions of youthful enthusiasm soon become tempered with realism .

  12. 许多女性感到年龄歧视问题正阻碍着她们职业抱负的实现。

    Many women feel ageism is obstructing their career ambitions .

  13. 亚历山大先生对自己的抱负毫不隐讳。

    Mr Alexander is not the slightest bit coy about his ambitions .

  14. 这个年轻人怀有极其远大的抱负。

    The young boy was burning with a fierce ambition

  15. 许多胸怀抱负的年轻画家被建议通过临摹大师的作品来学习绘画。

    Many aspiring young artists are advised to learn by copying the masters .

  16. 她父亲在工作中找到了施展抱负的机会。

    Her father had found an outlet for his ambition in his work .

  17. 不要让工作中的一点烦心事打击了你的雄心抱负。

    Don 't allow a minor irritation in the workplace to mar your ambitions

  18. 也许我们的抱负还不够远大。

    Maybe we 're not thinking big enough .

  19. 你有什么未实现的抱负吗?

    Do you have any unfulfilled ambitions ?

  20. 她坚韧顽强,满怀抱负。

    She is tough and ambitious .

  21. 和许许多多曾经满怀抱负的女演员一样,她最后只能端端盘子,在办公室打打零工。

    Like so many aspiring actresses , she ended up waiting tables and temping in office jobs

  22. 他是个很有抱负的小伙子,想参加最高水平的比赛。

    He 's a very ambitious lad and he wants to play at the highest level .

  23. 她是个受过良好教育、思维敏捷、抱负远大的女孩子。

    She was a very well educated girl with a lively mind , a girl with ambition .

  24. 看来政府已为胸怀抱负的学生设下了要求之高前所未有的重重难关。

    The Government seems to have created a more demanding obstacle course for aspiring students than ever before .

  25. 在《好管家》杂志采访过的1,000人中,创立自己的公司在理想抱负中列在首位。

    Running a business heads the list of ambitions among the 1,000 people interviewed by Good Housekeeping magazine .

  26. 最终,她实现了成为著名歌唱家的抱负。

    Finally , she realised her ambition of becoming a famous singer .

  27. 他完全不了解他们对未来的抱负。

    He knew nothing about their aspirations for the future .

  28. 作者把主人公描写为一个有抱负的青年。

    The author qualified the hero as an ambitious youth .

  29. 我唯一的抱负就是为国家服务,维护它的伟大。

    My whole ambition is to serve my country and maintain its greatness .

  30. 我已实现了我年轻时的抱负。

    I have fulfilled my youthful ambitions .