
  • 网络brussel sprout;Brussels sprout
  1. 抱子甘蓝新品系主要园艺学性状的评价

    A preliminary evaluation on main horticultural characteristics of Brussels sprouts

  2. 如果抱子甘蓝让你觉得恶心,你也不可能完全不吃蔬菜呀。

    If Brussels sprouts make you gag , you don 't stop eating veggies altogether .

  3. “在70岁才突然停止吃麦当劳而开始吃抱子甘蓝时,这些益处不会马上显现,”明尼苏达州罗切斯特市梅奥诊所的神经学家戴维·克诺普曼(DavidKnopman)说道。

    ' The benefits don 't just occur at age70 when you suddenly stop eating McDonald 's and start eating Brussels sprouts , 'says David Knopman , a neurologist at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester , Minn.

  4. 在日光温室内进行四个抱子甘蓝品种的比较试验。

    Four Varieties of Brussels Sprouts were compared in solar greenhouse .

  5. 芥末苹果、抱子甘蓝和香芹。

    Brussels sprouts with mustard , apples and caraway .

  6. 我们两都像抱子甘蓝。

    We both like Brussels sprouts .

  7. 花椰菜、西兰花和抱子甘蓝被称作有利减肥的蔬菜。

    Cauliflower , broccoli and Brussel sprouts were named as the vegetables that contributed to weight loss .

  8. 利用发根土壤杆菌(agrobacteriumrhizogenes)在甘蓝、花椰菜、抱子甘蓝和油菜的下胚轴切段上进行遗传转化。

    Genetic transformation by Agrobacterium rhizogenes was carried out using hypocotyl segments of cabbage , cauliflower , Brussels sprouts and oilseed rape .

  9. 但也有一些令人惊奇的例外:男人更喜欢吃芦笋,抱子甘蓝,豌豆和花生。

    But there were a few surprising exceptions : Men were much more likely to eat asparagus , brussels sprouts , peas and peanuts .

  10. 卡的封面是抱子甘蓝的图片。卡是用土豆淀粉纸做的,并用食用色素替代油墨上色印刷。

    The card , with a picture of Brussels sprouts on the front , is made from potato starch paper and printed with food colouring instead of ink .

  11. 草莓、荔枝、葡萄中多酚类物质含量最高,而蔬菜中的含量也并不低多少,尤其像朝鲜蓟、荷兰芹及抱子甘蓝等。

    It is strawberries , lychees and grapes that have the highest polyphenol contents , but vegetables are not far behind , particularly artichokes , parsley and brussels sprouts .

  12. 首先吃一些富含纤维的碳水化合物,例如全麦面包、谷类食物、干豆和豌豆、抱子甘蓝、橙子以及西梅。

    Start with complex carbohydrates that are high in fibre , such as whole grain breads and cereals , dried beans and peas , Brussels sprouts , oranges , and prunes .

  13. 这个研究团队认为,其他富含这些营养成分的食物,如芦笋、抱子甘蓝和胡萝卜,也具有与深绿色蔬菜一样的功效。他们打算扩大研究范围去研究这种可能性。

    The team believes that other foods high in these nutrients , like asparagus , brussels sprouts and carrots could provide the same benefits as the darker greens , and they intend to expand their research to explore this possibility .