
bào zhǐ
  • newspaper;paper;journal;newsprint
报纸 [bào zhǐ]
  • (1) [newspaper]∶以报导新闻为主的一种新闻媒体。定期印行

  • (2) [newsprint]∶即白报纸,一种用来印报或一般书刊的纸

报纸[bào zhǐ]
  1. 报纸编辑都力争率先报道。

    Newspaper editors all strive to be first with a story .

  2. 她不理会有关她辞职的报道,认为那不过是报纸的谣言。

    She dismissed the stories of her resignation as newspaper talk .

  3. 一个眼尖的读者发现了昨天报纸上的错误。

    A sharp-eyed reader spotted the mistake in yesterday 's paper .

  4. 外出前,别忘了停订报纸。

    Don 't forget to cancel the newspaper before going away .

  5. 我到街角的小店去买了份报纸。

    I went to buy a paper at the corner dairy .

  6. 正是这场运动确立了这家报纸的声誉。

    It was this campaign that established the paper 's reputation .

  7. 这家报纸继续为刊登这些照片辩护。

    The newspaper continues to defend its publication of the photographs .

  8. 这份报纸对总统的攻击纯属无稽之谈。

    The paper 's assault on the president was totally unjustified .

  9. 他指责报纸企图败坏他的名声。

    He accused the newspaper of trying to blacken his name .

  10. 像这样的话题是报纸赖以生存的素材。

    Issues like this are the newspaper 's meat and potatoes .

  11. 我们一心想传讯这家报纸。

    We fully intend to issue a writ against the newspaper .

  12. 这家报纸不得不对这则新闻报道发一个更正。

    The paper had to publish a correction to the story .

  13. 这家报纸获得内部消息,抢在所有竞争对手之前发表了。

    The paper had inside information and scooped all its rivals .

  14. 那份报纸认为我的信件不宜发表。

    The newspaper did not see fit to publish my letter .

  15. 这份报纸对这起凶杀案骇人听闻的细节描述得淋漓尽致。

    The paper gave all the lurid details of the murder .

  16. 这家报纸的主编被指责为不够正直。

    The editor of the newspaper was condemned as lacking integrity .

  17. 此报纸的发行量骤减至9万份。

    The paper 's circulation has slumped to 90 000 .

  18. 他们开始前在地板上铺了报纸。

    Before they started they laid newspaper on the floor .

  19. 他希望改善报纸略有受损的公众形象。

    He hopes to improve the newspaper 's somewhat tarnished public image .

  20. 各家报纸纷纷退避,不敢调查详情。

    The newspapers have shied away from investigating the story .

  21. 我们的报纸旨在表达当地人民的心声。

    Our newspaper aims to reflect the views of the local community .

  22. 我只来得及浏览了一下报纸。

    I only had time to glance at the newspapers .

  23. 有些报纸刊登出生、结婚、死亡通告。

    Announcements of births , marriages and deaths appear in some newspapers .

  24. 那个传闻被各家报纸炒得沸沸扬扬。

    The story was blazed all over the daily papers .

  25. 那家报纸对这场战争持什么立场?

    What is the newspaper 's stance on the war ?

  26. 地板用一张搭着一张的报纸保护着。

    The floor was protected with overlapping sheets of newspaper .

  27. 我在当地的报纸上看到了这次事故。

    I read about the accident in the local paper .

  28. 我们在当地报纸上登了广告,招一名清洁工。

    We placed an advertisement for a cleaner in the local paper .

  29. 别相信你在报纸上读到的!

    Don 't trust what you read in the newspapers !

  30. 他用一张报纸给自己扇凉。

    He fanned himself with a newspaper to cool down .