
  • 网络Message Switching;packet switching
  1. 在报文交换系统中,控制站可以是一台计算机。

    The control station may be a computer in a message switching system .

  2. 一种表明报文通过数字交换系统的指示器〔符〕,表示报文开始并激活自动报文交换系统进行工作。

    An indicator which shows that a message transfers through the digital switching system to indicate the start of message and activate the automatical message switching system into operations .

  3. 本文提出了一个基于CORBA的用于报文交换的中间件,它提供了分布式环境中的消息传输技术,使异构环境下客户机和服务器软件应用中的报文交换如同应用普通的本机功能一样简单。

    This paper presents a middleware based on CORBA used to transmit the message in software radios , it provides a message transmission technology to implement the message-exchange among distributed objects on heterogeneous platforms .

  4. PCIE总线采用点对点基于报文交换的数据传输方式,具有出色的电气性能。

    PCIE bus adopts point-to-point data transmission mode based on message exchange , which has excellent electrical performance .

  5. 本文通过分析overlay拓扑收敛过程中结点的行为特征,分析了固定周期gossip报文交换的弊端,提出了一种自适应周期的gossip报文交换机制代替固定周期方式。

    This paper analyzed the node behavior characteristics in the convergence process and found the flaw of fixed cycle gossip . Then the paper proposed an adaptive cycle mechanism to control the exchange of gossip packets .

  6. 阐述了入侵检测系统(IDS)的概念、模型,目前的通信协议状况,重点介绍了入侵检测报文交换格式(IDMEF)。

    This article elucidates the concept , model and communication protocols of IDS ( intrusion detection systems ), particularly discusses IDMEF ( Intrusion Detection Message Exchange Format ), an Internet-draft of IETF .

  7. 第3代国际气象通信系统是中国气象局面向未来,适应全球通信系统(GTS)发展计划的新一代通信系统。该系统既可以支持原有的报文交换,又可以支持文件交换。

    The third generation international meteorological telecommunication system is a new generation telecommunication system that the China Meteorological Administration is developing according to the GTS 's future development .

  8. 一种实现大型报文交换设备的新体系结构

    A New System Architecture for Large Packet-Switches

  9. 在今天的科技特别是报文交换集中技术的发展下,我们得以更加自由地用表格设计网页-或者把表格完全打散。

    With today 's technologies and techniques , we are free to create grid designs & or we can choose to break out of grids completely .

  10. 随着信息产业的发展,网络规模迅速扩大,网络及其服务服务日益扩大,所以迫切需要更快处理速度的路由设备来完成与日俱增的报文交换工作。

    Along with the development of information industrial , the networks and the service on it are expanding , so we need high-speed routers urgently to switch increasing packets .

  11. 时间同步操作以双向报文交换为核心机制,并将同步报文内嵌于目标跟踪报文,从而减少了节点的报文收发次数和网络数据通信量。

    By using the two-way message exchange as the core mechanism of synchronization and embedding synchronization packets in target tracking messages , the messages exchanged among nodes and the data traffic in network are decreased .

  12. 基于S-mesh系统结构中,其片上通信网络采用电路交换方式,而处于网络外部边缘设备如资源节点则采用报文分组交换方式。

    In the S-mesh system , the kernel communication network adopts circuit switching mode , and the edge devices , such as resource nodes , adopt the packet switching mode .

  13. 本文的工作重点是对OSPF从类型,拓扑的LSA,路由计算,邻居状态机,报文的交换,区域的划分,虚连接,与外部系统的通信以及可靠性等方面进行了分析。

    The important work of this paper is analysis some characteristics of OSPF , such as pattern , LSA of topology , routing computation , neighbor state machine , area division , a virtual connection , transmitting of routing data and communication with AS and so on .

  14. 报文突发交换中,在突发数据分组之前控制分组通过不同的信道提前发送,控制分组在中继星节点为突发数据分组预留带宽。

    With PBS technology , control packet is transmitted before burst data through different channel .

  15. 本文在分析星上交换技术基础上,借鉴光突发交换技术,提出了一种新型的星上交换技术&报文突发交换。

    Through analysis of OBS , this paper gives a novel switch technology for satellite network & Packet Burst Switch .

  16. 针对企事业单位和政府的各部门之间进行通知、报文报表交换这种实时性传输要求不高的应用场合,实现了一个基于公共电话网的远程文件传输软件的设计。

    To satisfy the need for notice and message exchange among divisions of enterprises and governments , a software for long-distance file transmission based on public telephone network is implemented .

  17. 其次,采用无缓存的交换节点结构来减少缓存容量、降低芯片实现成本,使报文在交换节点传输延迟缩减为一个时钟周期。

    Secondly , the unbuffered switch node architecture can effectively reduce the chip cost . And the packets latency in each switch node would be reduced to one clock cycle .

  18. 通过构建大连出口加工区电子商务及EDI平台,为大连出口加工区乃至大连口岸的相关企业从事集装箱运输及物流业务操作提供单证报文传输与交换服务、提供物流领域电子商务信息;

    By constructing the EPZ E-business and the EDI operation platform , we can offer document transmission and service exchange and provide E-business information in logistics field to enterprises concerned engaged in container transportation and logistic service in areas from EPZ to port of Dalian .

  19. GB/T15150-1994产生报文的银行卡交换报文规范金融交易内容

    Bank card originated messages Interchange message specifications Content for financial transactions

  20. 网络中报文和响应的交换过程,一次交换通常包括对信息的一次请求和对提供信息的一次响应。

    In a network , the exchange of messages and responses , with one exchange usually involving a request for information and a response that provides the information .

  21. 报文到报文第三层交换技术研究

    Study on Packet by Packet Layer 3 Switching Technology