
hù dī
  • Revetment;reinforcing dam;dike-dam;protect a dike
护堤[hù dī]
  1. 采用VOF模型对大渡河与楠桠河交汇处的护堤工程区及其影响范围进行了三维数值模拟计算分析。

    VOF model was applied to3D numerical simulation and calculation of the dike dam project at the confluence of Daduhe River and Nanyahe River arid its influencing regions .

  2. 人们用土或石头垒起的土堆或护堤。

    An artificial heap or bank usually of earth or stones .

  3. 他落在铁路护堤边的深草里。

    He landed in the long grass of the railway embankment .

  4. 河道生物护堤固岸技术的实践与探讨

    Biological Technique for Dyke Protection and Solidification in River Channel

  5. 嫩江大堤植物根系固土护堤功能研究

    Soil fixation and Dyke Revetment Function of Plant Root System in NenJiang Dyke

  6. 护堤护岸林木,不得任意砍伐。

    Protective trees along banks and embankments shall not be felled without authorization .

  7. 对于兴隆林业局苗圃地排水沟栽植水腊绿篱护堤的研究

    Analysis of bank shielded by green hedge in the gutter of Xinlong forestry office nursery

  8. 怎样收好护堤费国外兽医执照管理

    How to Collect the Charges Better for Protecting the Dikes Veterinary Licensure Procedures at Abroad

  9. 长江中上游护堤林发展土地潜力研究

    Land potentiality for the establishment of protective forest belt in the valley of mid upper Yangtze River

  10. 生物氧化塘的护堤和塘底未经防渗处理,造成下游地下水污染;

    The lack of liner treatment of the bank and liner of the lagoon resulted in groundwater pollution .

  11. 他们从更浅层一些的土壤中辨认出的第二阶段中有按规律分布的护堤。

    The second phase , which they identify from a higher layer of soil , featured regularly distributed mounds .

  12. 第二十五条护堤护岸的林木,由河道、湖泊管理机构组织营造和管理。

    Article 25 Administrative agencies for rivers and lakes shall organize the planting and maintenance of protective trees along banks and embankments .

  13. 本文就生态混凝土的概念和分类进行了介绍,提出了本专项研究中的护堤植生型生态混凝土的概念;

    The conception and classification of Eco-concrete is introduced , and the conception of Eco-concrete used for rivage-protecting and plant-growing is given .

  14. 以某护堤工程为例,介绍水下浇筑混凝土的设计特点及施工技术要求和施工工艺过程;

    The design feature and construction technique requirement and procedure were introduced here . A certain dike engineering of Guangxi was taken as example .

  15. 该州的环卫预算大多被花在了垃圾收集船和可移动式护堤上,为的是防止污泥和垃圾进入瓜纳巴拉湾。

    Most of the money in the state 's sanitation budget has been spent on trash-collecting boats and portable berms to stop the sludge and debris that flow into the bay .

  16. 概括介绍了生态混凝土的概念、性质以及分类情况,就国家863专项镇江水环境处理中的生态堤部分,提出了护堤植生型生态混凝土的概念及其护坡技法;

    The conception , property and classification of eco-concrete are introduced . As part of the 863 project of water-management of Zhenjiang , the application of eco-concrete in rivage-protecting and plant-growing is described .

  17. 从美海军陆战队第24海军陆战队远征部队,采取的护堤在与附近加姆塞尔在阿富汗赫尔曼德省星期五2008年5月2日镇塔利班阵地开火斗争的立场。

    US Marines , from the24th Marine Expeditionary Unit , take positions on a berm during a fire fight with Taliban positions near the town of Garmser in Helmand Province of Afghanistan Friday May2,2008 .

  18. 通过对护岸护堤林结构配置模式的综合效益和功能的评价,提出建设护岸护堤林带应采用多树种、多带型和林农复合型等,为长江中游护岸护堤林带建设提供科学依据。

    More belt types and agro-forestry through study on comprehensive benefits and function of bank protection forest belt construction , which provides scientific basis for bank protection belt construction in middle reaches of Yangtze River .

  19. 如何利用现有的常规方法在粉细沙河床上修建永久防洪护堤工程,因其工程造价过高致使社会难以承担;为此,提出采用斜向灌浆护坡新技术修建永久性防洪护堤。

    The cost to construct the permanent engineering , which is for preventing the bank from flood using current normal method of construction on riverbed made of sand , is too high to be accepted .

  20. 风箱树具有良好的药用价值,其根、茎、叶、花均可药用,此外,在园林中可以作为护堤植物使用。

    Buttonbush has very good medicinal value , and its root , stem , leaves and flowers have been used in medicinal areas . Moreover , they can also be used as protective trees along banks and embankments .

  21. 简要介绍了种植植物消波消浪,保护土壤,避免水土流失,固滩固岸,防浪护堤的作用,以及植物消浪的实验研究。

    Functions of planting vegetation on the banks of a river , such as absorbing waves , reducing bank erosion , and developing and protecting banks , as well as experimental studies of wave absorption by vegetation are briefly introduced .

  22. 本文在分析了长江中游自然资源基本特征的基础上,根据护岸护堤林体系建设中的主要防护功能和目标,将护岸护堤林林种体系划为4个三级林种和12个四级林种。

    In this paper , the bank protection forest system can be divided into four 3-level forest strains and Twelve 4-level forest strains on the basis of analysing the basic characteristics of natural resources in middle reaches of Yangtze River and main function and aim of bank protection construction .