
  • 网络Shuttle run
  1. 采用典型的无线传感器网络的折返跑项目完成了无线组网、信号传感等功能。

    Shuttle run item which used the typical wireless sensor network completes the functions of wireless network and signal sensing .

  2. 研究目的:折返跑作为变向跑动的一种特殊形式,在实际运动和训练中较为常见。膝关节肌群力量对该能力的影响较大。

    Purpose : As a special form of the changing direction running , shuttle run is common in training and actual movement in which knee muscle strength has great impact on .

  3. 今天早上罚你们全体折返跑。

    This morning , all of you are gonna run .

  4. 结果与平原时相比,急进高原后第4天受试青年基础代谢和体脂率显著增加,折返跑速度显著减慢,握力无显著变化,台阶运动后血乳酸显著降低。

    The AMS were examined symptoms of in successive 5d after rapid exposure to high altitude . Results Basal metabolism and body fat rate were increased significantly , reentry running speed and serum lactic acid post-exercise were decreased significantly compared with those of recruits in plain .