
zhé shè ɡuānɡ
  • refracted light
  1. 棱镜效果一个彩虹图案显现在折射光的焦散里

    Prism effect . A rainbow pattern appears on the refracted light caustics .

  2. 反射光和折射光的偏振状态

    The Polarization of Reflected Light & Refracted Light

  3. 此外,还讨论了对应于一入射线的两折射光E矢量之间的夹角。

    In addition , the angle between E-field of two refractive rays corresponding to a ray of incidence is also discussed .

  4. 基于折射光杠杆的波长调谐技术及其在光谱仪和LD中的应用

    Technology of Wavelength Tuning Based on Refractive Optical Lever and Its Application in Optical Spectrum Analyzers and Diode Lasers

  5. 能折射光而没有谱色分离的。

    Able to refract light without spectral color separation .

  6. 透明介质表面反射光和折射光的偏振态

    The Polarization of Reflected Light and Refracted Light at the Surface of Isotropy Medium

  7. 最终给出了入射光和折射光电场矢量的琼斯矢量形式。

    Finally , Jones vectors for the electric fields of the incident and refracted rays are obtained .

  8. 对于折射光来说,平行入射面的光振动与垂直入射面的光振动振幅之比是单调上升的。

    It is also found that the ratio between the two in the refracted light is monotone increasing .

  9. 自然光入射时反射及折射光的偏振态与入射角之关系

    Relation Between Polarized State of Reflected and Refracted Light and Angle of Incidence in Case of Unpolarized Light Incidence

  10. 文章所得解析公式完全可以确定折射光的波法线和光线的方向。

    The refraction directions both the wave normal and the light ray can be calculated by the formulas above .

  11. 提出利用电控径向双折射光瞳滤波器实现横向超分辨性能参量的调制与轴向扩展焦深。

    An electrically controllable radial birefringent pupil filter for modulation of transverse superresolution performance and axial extended focal depth is proposed .

  12. 本文介绍了折射光振幅、光强大于入射光振幅、光强的情况,进而阐明了其产生的原因。

    This article introduces that the amplitude and intensity of refracted light are more than those of incident light , and demonstrated the cause .

  13. 本文就光入射到双轴晶体的情况给出有关求折射光方向的一般方法。

    In the article , a general method finding the direction of refractive rays is given in the case of light incident on a biaxial crystal .

  14. 作为光辐射通过接近地球时,它必须穿过大气层,它可能通过折射光而导致光线弯曲。

    As a ray of light passes near the earth , it must cut through the atmosphere , which might bend the ray through the refraction of light .

  15. 用途:线密度光栅,通过折射光可快速确定针织或机织物每厘米或每英寸内的纱线根数。

    USES : linear density grating , through the refraction of light can quickly determined or knitting machine woven per cm or every inch of the yarn number within the root .

  16. 同时指出,折射光的振幅可以大于入射光的振幅,应从能量的角度正确理解这一结果。

    In addition , it is also pointed out that the amplitude of refracted light may be larger than that of the incident light , which is not contradict to the energy conservation .

  17. 应用菲涅耳公式对自然光入射时反射及折射光的偏振态与入射角之关系进行了讨论。

    In this paper , when incident light is unpolarized , the relation between the polarized states of the reflected and the refracted light and the angles of incidence is discussed in detail by Fresnel formula .

  18. 反射光及折射光的偏振状态和偏振度偏置信号调制下噪声关联的周期调制对单模激光随机共振的影响

    The Polarization of Reflected Light and Refracted Light and the Amount of the Polarization ; Effects of time period modulation of the noise correlation intensity and bias signal modulation of the noise on stochastic resonance of a single-mode laser

  19. 基于C(60)结构的金纳米粒子合成物的非线性折射与光限幅

    Nonlinear Refraction and Optical Limiting in the Nanocomposite Based on C_ ( 60 ) Structured System with Gold Nanoparticles

  20. Fermi折射率光波导的场分布和模方程

    Field profiles and mode equations of optical waveguide with Fermi index profile

  21. GaAs/AlGaAs周期折射率光波导光学表面模

    Optical Surface Waves in GaAs / AlGaAs Optical Waveguides with Periodic Refractive Index Profiles

  22. 标量FDTD法分析渐变折射率光波导模场分布

    The analysis of mode field distributions of the graded index optical waveguide by the scalar FDTD

  23. Ti∶LiNbO3二维渐变折射率光波导传播常数的计算

    Calculation of Propagation Constant of Ti : LiNbO_3 Waveguide with 2-Dimensional Graded Index Profiles

  24. 本文实验研究了偶氮侧链聚合物液晶薄膜(P-CN)的光致双折射和光存储性质。

    Optical storage based on photoinduced birefringence in azobenzene side-chain polymer liquid crystal ( P-CN ) film is reported .

  25. 平方律折射率光波导&高斯模的研究

    The Square Law Refractivity Optical Wave Quide and the Gaussian Beam

  26. 偶氮侧链聚合物液晶薄膜光致双折射及其光存储实验

    Photoinduced Birefringence and Optical Storage in Azobenzene Side-chain Polymer Liquid Crystal Film

  27. 界面反射与折射对光的偏振态的影响

    Effects of the interface reflection and refraction on the optical polarized states

  28. 阶跃折射率光波导在理论上是所有其它光波导器件的基础。

    The step index profile optical waveguide is the fundamentals of all other optical waveguide devices theoretically .

  29. 光束传播方法直接研究渐变折射率光波导中光束的构成和传播行径。

    The beam propagation method directly investigates the construction and propagation of the beam in gradient index optical guide .

  30. 由一个点光源发出并从曲面反射或折射的光的或关于这种光的。

    Of or relating to light emitted from a point source and reflected or refracted from a curved surface .