
zhé shè
  • refraction;refracting;refringence;refingency;anacampsis
折射 [zhé shè]
  • [refraction] 光线或能量波从一种介质(如空气)斜射入其速度不同的另一种介质(如水,玻璃)时发生的对直线路径的偏离

折射[zhé shè]
  1. 阿尔勒的梵高基金会(FondationVanGoghinArles)是一个宽敞的展览空间,顶棚是彩色玻璃的艺术设计,可以让普罗旺斯的阳光折射进来。这处2014年开设的场所是一个例外。

    The Fondation Van Gogh in Arles , an expansive exhibition space topped with an artwork of colored glass refracting Proven light through its roof , which opened in 2014 , is a notable exception .

  2. 一个透镜是包含两个折射面的光学系统。

    A lens is an optical system including two refracting surfaces .

  3. 光通过棱镜时产生折射。

    Light is refracted when passed through a prism .

  4. 玻璃对不同颜色的光的折射量不同。

    Glass bends light of different colours by different amounts .

  5. 他们对孩子的放任折射出他们自身生活的放浪形骸。

    Their permissiveness toward their children reflects the wild abandon of their own lives .

  6. 随着我们年龄的增长,眼睛的晶状体变厚,因此对光线的折射也会发生变化。

    As we age the lenses of the eyes thicken , and thus refract light differently .

  7. 最后,我们谈谈舒曼的medial反折射系统。

    Finally , we mention the catadioptric system of schupmann 's medial .

  8. 夕阳的余光从油罐上折射出来。

    The light from the setting sun glanced off the oil tanks .

  9. 这个故事折射出更广泛的社会趋势。

    The tale reflects wider social trends .

  10. 棱镜效果一个彩虹图案显现在折射光的焦散里

    Prism effect . A rainbow pattern appears on the refracted light caustics .

  11. 清晨的阳光穿过溪水照射在一块石头上,折射的光芒好像是一道彩虹。

    Across the stream , the rays of the morning sun hit a stone and made it sparkle like a rainbow .

  12. 看见了由热气流升腾经阳光折射而成的幻影,以为是水,立即追上这片虚幻的水气,一直到了印度河。到了水边,面对着河水却不喝。

    On seeing the blazing fog , he mistook it for water . He pursued it until he reached the Indus River .

  13. 高折射率玻璃微珠的N、D分布及其比较

    The N-D Distribution and Comparison of High Refractive Glass Microbeads

  14. GPS测量大气折射改正

    Correction of atmospheric refraction in GPS measurement

  15. 利用线阵CCD测量透明介质折射率

    Measuring index of refraction of transparent medium with linear CCD

  16. 利用CCD测量液体折射率

    Measurement of the Refractive Index for Liquid Using CCD

  17. 对流层折射对GPS定位精度产生重要影响。

    The influence of the tropospheric refraction to the GPS positioning accuracy is explained in this paper .

  18. 其中重点设计了旋转CT投影扫描装置,实现对样品的多角度折射率投影积分的采集。

    In this system , the rotated CT projection scanning device enables collecting sample projection images from several view angles .

  19. 利用线阵CCD测定液体折射率

    Measuring liquid refractive index using line CCD

  20. 光学低通滤波器(opticallowpassfilter,简称OLPF)利用石英双折射晶体的分光性质来实现低通滤波。

    Birefringent quartz crystals ′ light splitting characteristic is used in optical low pass filter ( OLPF ) .

  21. 休伦法(schlierenmethod)在观察物质流的折射率梯度方面的应用已有相当长的历史。

    The Schlieren method has been used in the observing gradient of refractive index for a long time .

  22. 应力双折射对FBG传感器压力传感特性的影响

    Effect of Stress Birefringence on Characteristics of FBG Pressure Sensing

  23. 用时-空谱分析方法分析了32.5°N纬圈上的1980~1983年逐日大气折射指数N单位的变化。

    The space - time spectral analysis is adopted to explore the variation in the 1980 ~ 1983 daily atmospheric refractive index N at 32.5 ° N.

  24. Ti扩散LiNbO3光波导折射率变化研究

    Research on the Refractive-index Change Produced by the Ti-diffusion in LiNbO_3

  25. 硅基二氧化硅波导和SOI脊型波导应力双折射研究

    Analysis of Stress Birefringence for Silica Waveguide on Silicon and SOI Rib Waveguide

  26. GaAs/AlGaAs周期折射率光波导光学表面模

    Optical Surface Waves in GaAs / AlGaAs Optical Waveguides with Periodic Refractive Index Profiles

  27. 低折射率芯PCF基模损耗的数值模拟与分析

    Numerical Simulation and Analysis of Fundamental-Mode Loss in A PCF with Depressed-Index Core

  28. Ti∶LiNbO3二维渐变折射率光波导传播常数的计算

    Calculation of Propagation Constant of Ti : LiNbO_3 Waveguide with 2-Dimensional Graded Index Profiles

  29. 12KInSb非线性折射率n2的测定

    Measurement of nonlinear index n_2 of InSb at 12 K

  30. 用SPR传感器研究牛奶的折射率随脂肪的体积含量变化的关系

    Relationship of refractive index of milk and volume of milk fat by SPR sensor