
  • 网络Investment effectiveness;ROI
  1. DEA在非煤产业投资效果评价中的应用

    Application of DEA in Investment Effects Evaluation of Non coal Industry

  2. 浅析高效选煤厂投资效果

    Analyse the Investment Result Simply in High Efficient Coal Preparation Plant

  3. 项目投资效果区域风险的多变量测度分析

    A Regional Multi-variable Analysis on Factors Influencing the Effect of Project Investment

  4. 换热器是供热系统中的一个核心设备,它的优劣以及合理选用将直接影响供热系统的投资效果和使用效果,影响换热器的使用寿命。

    Heat exchanger is the core equipment in heat system .

  5. 新生产系统的构筑及其投资效果

    Construction of New Production System and Effectiveness of Its Investment

  6. 城市旧区改造投资效果研究

    The study on investment effect of old urban district regeneration

  7. 一种计算动态投资效果系数的新方法

    A New Method for Calculation of Dynamic-Investment Benefic Coefficient

  8. 以提高资本投资效果为目的进行项目动态评价;

    Develop dynamic project evaluation for the purpose of increasing returns on capital investment ;

  9. 基于软计算的上海市全社会固定资产投资效果分析

    Analysis of the Investment Effect of Fixed Asset Based on Soft Computing in Shanghai

  10. 中国利用外商直接投资效果的实证分析

    An Empirical Analysis on China 's Performance of the Utilization of Foreign Direct Investment

  11. 河北省固定资产投资效果及滞后效应分析

    On the effect and lag in the investment in the fixed assets in Hebei Province

  12. 关于通信建设投资效果指标体系的研究

    Research of the Index System of the Effect of Investment in the Construction of Telecommunication

  13. 吉林省能源工业项目投资效果分析与对策研究

    Analysis on Project Investment Effect and the Tactic Researching of Energy Industry in Jilin Province

  14. 最后以北京市为例,对其十五期间的基础设施投资效果进行实证对比研究。

    Lastly Beijing is taken as an example to carry out a case study . 2 .

  15. 基础设施项目通常在区域经济和国家经济发展中发挥着重要的作用,其投资效果是指基础设施投资对于国家、社会、经济、政治、军事、环境等方面影响的总合。

    The infrastructure projects usually play an important role in the regional and national economic development .

  16. 文中还探讨了评价城建项目投资效果的指标体系。

    It also explores the target system for evaluating the investment effectiveness of a city planning project .

  17. 收益一成本分析也能被政府分析者们用以估算私人投资效果。

    Benefit-cost analysis can also be used by government analysts to evaluate the effects of private investment .

  18. 企业实施竞争战略的好坏也会影响到投资者的投资效果。

    The quality of the implementation of competitive strategy business will also affect investment effects of investors .

  19. 嘉祥县世界银行贷款&灌溉农业项目投资效果分析

    Analysis on Investment Effect on the Loan of World Bank & Irrigation Agriculture Project in County Jiaxiang

  20. 同时结合实际经验,设计了一种多功能电脑桌,用以解决机房存在的一些安全隐患,提高了计算机房的投资效果,保障机房的使用安全。

    It also proposed a design of multi-function computer workstation that solves the safety problems in computer rooms .

  21. 教育要作为一项产业来经营,离不开对其投资效果的评价与分析。

    Education can not be managed as an industry without the evaluation and analysis of its investment effectiveness .

  22. 它是反映各个时期固定资产动用速度,衡量建设过程中投资效果的一个综合性指标。

    This is a comprehensive indicator , reflecting the speed of the employment of fixed assets and the investment efficiency .

  23. 3)改变钉螺(血吸虫病源中间寄主)生存环境或阻断疫源传播渠道而兴建农业工程项目的投资效果指标;

    Investment efficiency of agricultural engineering project established by changing snail existence environments or cutting the spread channel of epidemic sources ;

  24. 在化工建设项目质量形成的影响因素中,工程设计质量的好坏直接影响到化工建设项目整体质量的优劣和工程建设投资效果。

    The quality of engineering design would directly affect the final quality and the project investing purpose of the chemical engineering projects .

  25. 本文在分析了宁夏农业存在的生态问题和原有的投资效果的基础下,结合生态保护和治理的特殊性,提出了新的融资模式和投资机制。

    Based on analyzing existent ecology problem and effect of investment , this paper brings out new financing pattern and investing mechanism .

  26. 工程造价的全过程控制是有效控制建设项目、提高项目投资效果的重要前提。

    Whole - process control of cost of project is an important foundations of effective control of project and enhancing effect of investment .

  27. 借助该指标体系,政府、证券监管机构、公司或投资者均可对目标公司董事会治理状况进行具体的量化测评,为加强管理和提高投资效果提供指导。

    Constructed the efficiency assessment index system and frame of board of directors , which offers guidance for government , securities regulator and investor .

  28. 建设工程质量关系到工程的适用性、投资效果和人民群众生命财产安全。

    The quality of construction projects relates to the applicability , the results of investment and the safety of people 's lives and properties .

  29. 造价控制作为基建项目三大控制目标之一,直接影响到基建项目的投资效果。

    As one of three control objectives for the construction project , cost control directly impacts on the investment effect of the construction investment .

  30. 工程造价咨询对保证建设项目投资效果,加强对建设项目工程造价合理的控制和确定有非常重要的作用。

    The project cost consultation is of importance in ensuring investment effect of consultation project , strengthening control and confirmation about the project in reason .