
  1. 媒体觉得很难相信比尔•盖茨(BillGates)和投资大师华伦•巴菲特(WarrenBuffett)花数十亿的财富做善事是真诚的。

    Sections of the media find it difficult to believe that Bill Gates and Warren Buffett genuinely want to do good with their billions .

  2. 再来看看已故投资大师约翰·邓普顿爵士(SirJohnTempleton)。邓普顿的父亲是田纳西州温切斯特(Winchester)的乡村律师,也是一名投机者,做棉花期货交易。

    Or take the late Sir John Templeton , who grew up the son of a country lawyer in Winchester , Tenn. Templeton 's father also was a speculator , trading cotton futures .

  3. 一位匿名投标者支付了3456789美元与这位投资大师、伯克希尔哈撒韦公司(BerkshireHathaway)创始人相约共进午餐,比这场慈善拍卖去年中标者的出价高出大约47%。

    An anonymous bidder has paid $ 3456789 for a lunch date with the investment guru and founder of Berkshire Hathaway , some 47 per cent more than the winner of the charity auction last year .

  4. 得到美国投资大师沃伦·巴菲特(WarrenBuffett)资助、正迅速崛起的中国汽车制造商比亚迪(BYD)昨日表示,将于明年开始在美国销售其e6全电动轿车,这比原计划提前了一年。

    BYD , the upstart Chinese car company backed by US investment guru Warren Buffett , said yesterday that it would start selling its e6 all-electric sedans in the US next year , a year ahead of schedule .

  5. 投资大师沃伦巴菲特(WarrenBuffett)即将告别自2009年以来他相对于美国股市大盘表现最糟糕的一年,今年只剩下两个交易日之际,他旗下的企业集团伯克希尔哈撒韦公司(BerkshireHathaway)今年股价下跌11.5%。

    Investment guru Warren Buffett is heading for his worst year relative to the rest of the US stock market since 2009 , with shares in his conglomerate Berkshire Hathaway down 11.5 per cent with two more trading days to go .

  6. 投资大师吉姆?罗杰斯投资理念?

    The great master Jim rogers : what his investment theory is ?

  7. 外界认为,格芬多少可以算是投资大师。

    He is considered something of a guru on investing .

  8. 投资大师索罗斯的作品。系统而复杂的阐述了盛衰过程。

    Systems and complex process of elaboration of the ups and downs .

  9. 世界投资大师:沃伦·巴菲特

    The Master of Investment : Warren Buffett

  10. 要知道,巴菲特世界上最有钱的富翁和最会赚钱的投资大师,全都是靠做出正确的预测和根据这些预测做出正确的行动。

    Warren Buffett became one of the wealthiest people in the world by making predictions and putting money behind those predictions .

  11. 随着股市一天天下跌,投资大师们建议:从30年期的观点来看,现在已到买入时机。

    With stock markets falling day by day , investment gurus suggest it is time to buy taking a 30-year view .

  12. 国内知名马术圈活动服务供应方、投资大师罗杰斯中国行活动代理方等等。

    The domestic well-known horse-riding circle activity service suppliers , invest master Jim Rogers China line of activity business agent and so on .

  13. 《福布斯》杂志于本周三公布,美国著名投资大师、伯克郡-哈撒韦公司总裁沃伦?巴菲特取代其老友、微软集团创始人比尔?盖茨,问鼎全球首富。

    Warren buffett , the famed US investor who heads Berkshire Hathaway inc , replaced his friend and Microsoft Corp founder Bill Gates as the richest man in the world , Forbes magazine said on wednesday .

  14. 本文在总结了几位价值投资大师的文献基础上,提出了价值投资子类图的概念,并对这一模型从经济学与财务学的角度进行了解释与说明。

    On the basis of summarizing documents of some famed investors , the paper put forth the concept of sub-class diagram of value investment , which been explained and described in the view of economics and finance .