
tóu zī bǎo hù xié dìnɡ
  • Investment Protection Agreement;agreement of investment protection
  1. 而双边投资保护协定(BIT)则是当今被应用最广的双边投资立法形式。

    And the agreement for promotion and protection of investment ( BIT ) is the most widely used form of bilateral investment legislation .

  2. 中国和加拿大周三签署了《中加投资保护协定》。

    China and Canada signed a bilateral investment treaty on Wednesday .

  3. 投资保护协定对海外投资的法律保障

    Roles of Investment Protection Treaty in Protecting Overseas Investment

  4. 从迄今为止所签订的投资保护协定来看,我国已经给予了外资国民待遇。

    China has granted foreign investment national treatment in the invest-protecting treaties signed so far .

  5. 我此行的目的之一就是缔结我们的《投资保护协定》和《知识产权保护协定》。

    One of the objectives of my mission is to sign our Investment Protection Agreement and Intellectual Property Rights Protection Agreement .

  6. 推动商签和落实投资保护协定,鼓励金融机构加强合作。

    The negotiation , signing and implementation of investment protection agreements shall be encouraged and cooperation among financial institutions be strengthened .

  7. 再加上投资保护协定大都包含一个特殊的争端解决机制投资者东道国国际仲裁机制,就使得最惠国条款的适用更为复杂。

    And the investor-state disputes settlement system , which is included in almost all BITs , makes the application of MFN clauses in international investment treaties more complicated .

  8. 中方将与哈萨克斯坦启动新版投资保护协定谈判,愿意扩大从成员国的进口,积极促进贸易平衡。

    China will launch negotiations with Kazakhstan on a new investment protection treaty and is ready to increase imports from other member states to improve the trade balance .

  9. 截至2012年底,中国已与32个非洲国家签署双边投资保护协定,与45个国家建立经贸联委会机制。

    By the end of 2012 , China had signed bilateral investment treaties ( BIT ) with 32 African countries , and established joint economic commission mechanisms with 45 African countries .

  10. 关于代位权的依据,主要是国际法上的法律依据,主要有两种观点,一是双边投资保护协定的代位权条款;另一个是外交保护的国际公法的理论。

    On the basis of subrogation , the main legal basis in international law , there are two views , one bilateral investment protection agreements , subrogation clause ; the other is the diplomatic protection of international law theory .

  11. 最后针对我国国内法、双边投资保护协定的规定,阐述国民待遇在我国的适用现状及存在问题,并就今日经济发展形势如何从法律角度完善国民待遇制度提出自己的粗浅建议。

    Thirdly , in accordance with the stipulation in internal law and bilateral investments in our country , it illustrates the existing status and existing problems of the SNT , and puts forward some superficial suggestions to perfect SNT in our country from legal point .

  12. 代位权的行使也就相应主要分为两种方式,一个是根据双边投资保护协定中的相关规定,通过诉讼或仲裁等方式进行;再就是通过外交保护,通过外交手段实现代位权。

    Exercise of the right of subrogation correspondingly divided into two modes , one is based on bilateral investment protection agreements in the relevant regulations , through litigation or arbitration manner ; Then there through diplomatic protection , through diplomatic means to achieve the right of subrogation .

  13. 企业是经贸合作的主体,中非双方应积极采取措施,推动商签和落实投资保护协定、避免双重征税协定,为企业创造更加公平、透明、可预见的商业环境。

    Enterprise is the subject of trade and economic cooperation . China and Africa should positively take measures to promote the signing and implementation of investment protection agreement and agreement on avoidance of Double Taxation so as to create a more fair , transparent and predicable environment for business .

  14. 马英九表示,除了削减更多商品和服务的关税外,双方还需要谈判达成一项投资保护和争议解决协定。

    Mr Ma said that , in addition to cutting tariffs on more items , the two sides needed to negotiate an investment-protection and dispute-settlement agreement .

  15. 加快投资便利化进程,消除投资壁垒。加强双边投资保护协定、避免双重征税协定磋商,保护投资者的合法权益。

    We should speed up investment facilitation , eliminate investment barriers , and push forward negotiations on bilateral investment protection agreements and double taxation avoidance agreements to protect the lawful rights and interests of investors .

  16. 它是一种国家或政府保证,承保的是海外投资中的政治风险,且常常与国际上的双边或多边投资保护协定配合运作。

    It is a national or government guarantees , underwriting political risks in overseas investment , and is often associated with bilateral or multilateral investment protection agreements with the international operation .

  17. 为了促进和保护我国境外投资的发展,我国应加快境外投资立法、完善境外投资保险制度和加强投资保护协定签订工作。

    In order to promote the development of offshore investment , China should quickly establish the system of offshore investment protection .