- 网络Bid Validity;Period of Validity of bids

The bidder repeals or modifies the bidding document in the prescribed bid validity ;
We agree to abide by this Bid within the period of bid validity .
Tenders with an ineligible valid period shall be rejected as non-responsive tenders .
Company shall have the right to accept any Bid at any time before the expiration date .
If the bidder revokes its bid during the period of validity of bidding after the stated bid opening , his bid bond shall be confiscated by your part .
In the validity of the bid regulated in the pre-attached table of the instruction to the bidder , the bidder cannot request to repeal or modify their bidding document .
The period should be sufficient to permit completion of the evaluation , review of the recommended selection by the Bank ( if so required ), the obtainment of approvals , and notification of award .
The Bid Security should remain valid for a period of thirty ( 30 ) days beyond the bid validity period .
The tender security may be forfeited : if a tenderer withdraws his tender during the period of tender validity ;
The tender security may be forfeited : if a tenderer withdraws his tender during the period of tender validity ; or in the case of the successful tenderer , if he fails to sign the agreement , or furnish the necessary performance security .
This text has introduced the concept of the bid security and its different forms , compared these various kinds of forms , and also discussed the confiscation of the bid security , the bid security and the validity of tenders , the bid security and the down payment , etc.