
jì shù ɡuī ɡé
  • technical specifications;technical norms
  1. 用户订货时可根据实际需要选用各种不同规格的起重量、跨度、起升高度、悬臂伸出长度等技术规格。

    When user ordering may select each kind of different specification according to the actual need the lifting capacity , the span , the lifting altitude , technical norms and so on bracket swinging radius .

  2. 他们通过实施低技术规格拼命限制成本。

    They struggled to limit the cost by enforcing a low-tech specification

  3. 笔者对3D定向钻孔雷达系统的工作和成像原理、技术规格进行了详细说明,并结合现场数据说明了其实际应用效果。

    The authors deal with the working and imaging principles and technical specifications of the 3D directional borehole radar in details and , combined with field data , show its true application results .

  4. 使用fedex电子帐单需要甚么技术规格?

    What are the technical requirements to be able to use FedEx invoice online ?

  5. 在给出本芯片应用目标的基础上,制定了FPGA目标器件的选择原则和芯片的技术规格,完成了器件选型及相关的开发环境和工具的选取。

    On the basis of chip application goal being given , we have analyzed the selecting principle and specifications of FPGA , as well as the related develop environment and tool .

  6. 科技博客TechCrunch的专栏作家MG•西格勒最近写道,KindleFire的成功再次说明了消费者不再那么苛求技术规格,而是越来越关注用户体验。

    As techcrunch columnist mg Siegler wrote recently , the kindle fire is just the latest example of people focusing less on technical specifications and more on the user experience .

  7. 当客户有新的需求时,可以用QFD模型转换客户声音,并用数学模型来选择最优质量技术规格。

    When have new requirement , it can use QFD model to convert customer voice . And can use mathematics method to calculate the best specification .

  8. 阅读下面关于N800的一些更重要的技术规格和物理参数。

    Read about some of the more important technical specs and physical parameters of the N800 below .

  9. 然而,考虑到达成协议还要取决于敲定技术规格,起码要等到一年之后才会有支持电子SIM卡的设备上市。

    However , with any deal still contingent on finalising the technical specifications it will be at least a year before any devices supporting the electronic Sim reach the market .

  10. 粉末涂料自20年前开始应用于汽车工业领域以来,不断发展,目前已能满足大多数汽车在线涂装涂料(OEM涂料)的技术规格和要求。

    Since the first application of powder coatings in automobile industry 20 years ago , it has grown rapidly . Nowadays , the powder coatings can meet most of the OEM technical requirement .

  11. 参照美国机车维修者协会(LMOA)、美国机车生产厂家GE公司和GM公司铁路内燃机车五代油的技术规格,确定研制的五代油暂行技术指标。

    Tentative technological indices for the developed fifth generation lubricating oil are determined according to the technical specifications for the fifth generation oil stipulated by Locomotive Maintenance Organizer Association ( LMOA ), GE Company and GM Company .

  12. 道歉没有精确的技术规格的从我的butt-o-metre涡轮除了测量。

    Apologies for not having any exact technical specs about the turbo besides measurements from my butt-o-metre .

  13. 一加手机拥有精美简约的设计,采用最新的技术规格,搭载了CyanogenMod,这是谷歌Android操作系统的一个版本,相比竞品手机繁琐的Android版本,CyanogenMod远远更为灵活。

    The One has a beautifully spare design , it 's loaded with the latest tech specs , and it runs CyanogenMod , a version of Google 's Android operating system that is far more flexible and easier to use than the cumbersome flavors of Android now stuffed into rival phones .

  14. 关于E430的信息,只披露了一些技术规格,以及它每次充电后连续操作时间长达3小时。

    Little more has been revealed about the E430 , other than some technical specifications and that it can operate for up to three hours without a charge .

  15. 本文介绍LLC型反循环打捞篮的技术规格、结构原理以及现场使用情况,使用表明,该工具具有结构简单、使用安全可靠、效率高以及节省钻井费用等特点。

    This article gives an introduction of specifications and construction principle of model LLC counter-circulation fishing basket , and makes analysis to present conditions , Its application shows it features simple and compact construction , safe and reliable operation , high efficiency and resulting in saving drilling cost .

  16. 投标方应提供设备的精确数据,与招标技术规格逐条比较并列出所有的偏差和例外.偏振干涉成像光谱仪中Wollaston棱镜光程差及条纹定位面的精确计算与分析

    Bidder should furnish specific value of the equipment and summit an item-by-item commentary on the Technical Specifications and indicate the deviations and exceptions to the provisions of the Technical Specifications . Calculation of the optical path difference and fringe location in polarization interference imaging spectrometer

  17. 快速构建并推进技术规格的发展。

    Architecture and process to advance the specification and technology rapidly !

  18. 统一建筑条例技术规格信托基金

    Trust Fund for the Harmonization of the Technical Content of Building Regulations

  19. 也有技术规格,的标准形式。

    You also have a standard form of technical specifications .

  20. 在用车工况法排放检测用重型底盘测功机滚筒技术规格研究

    A Study on the Roller Specifications of Heavy-duty Chassis Dynamometer

  21. 新型飞机的技术规格已经草拟。

    Specifications have been drawn up for the new aircraft .

  22. 特别注意身体姿态和技术规格的训练;

    Pay attention especially to the exercises for body forms and technical standards ;

  23. 医疗设备招标文件中技术规格及参数要求编写探讨

    Specifications and parameters in tendering documents of medical equipment

  24. 以上方案书是基于以下的一般性技术规格。

    The above described proposal is based on the following general technical specification .

  25. 请响应价格和技术规格。

    Please respond with prices and technical specifications .

  26. 不符合技术规格样品对不合格品控制应按《不合格品控制程序》执行。

    The control of non-conforming products is conducted as per Non-conforming product Control Procedure .

  27. 介绍了GBS-35型定向钻进铺管钻机的结构特点、技术规格、生产试验及施工情况等。

    The structure features , technical specification , productive trial and construction cases were introduced .

  28. 本文所述技术规格是从武术散手实践中总结出来的。

    In this paper , the technical specification is summed up in Wushu combat practice .

  29. 对铅球出手技术规格和形式的运动生物力学研究

    Biomechanical Study on the Technical Standard and Form of the Hands - off in Shot Push

  30. 软件没有做一些《产品技术规格说明书》没有提到但应该做的事情。

    The software doesn 't do something that the product specification doesn 't mention but should .