- 名technocracy

Technocracy claims that experts of science and technology govern society totally .
Technocracy and Eco-disaster : an Analysis of Dystopian Eco-novel Oryx and Crake ;
Bill Gates describes himself as a technocrat .
In the time of technology , postmodernism involve contemporary people in moral nihilism .
If one can be culture minister without reading , then we are mere technocrats and budgeters .
The Japanese authorities have not helped by falling back on technocracy rather than a more sympathetic response .
The school of Frankfort criticizes science and technology in terms of the relation between man and man .
It rests on the stereotype that white people are rationalist and technocratic while colonial victims are spiritual and athletic .
There is no getting round the fact , however , that Gates often sounds at odds with the new generation of billionaire technocrats .
NARRATOR : Washington 's Keynesians saw the economy not as a force of nature but a sophisticated machine to be fine-tuned by technocrats like themselves .
In order to get rid of the technocratic alienation , modern people should clarify the existence of critical person and realize the integration of self and others .
With a degree in civil engineering from Tsinghua , a top university , and over 30 years experience in steel plants , Ms Xie is at heart a technocrat .
During the past several decades , HVDC has become the dominating technology for long distance transmission of bulk power .
First , the aesthetic culture in electronic media time is controlled by technology .
Via the study of political economy , technology and international systems of domination , this paper aims at examining these phenomena in the context of China .
Analysis of Opinion of School of Frankfort on the Relation between Science and Technology with Domination of Politics
If only we break out the absolute domination of scientific positivism and technological reason , the world space will obtain its new significance .
Meanwhile , dealing with their negative effects , we should introduce education , value , meaning , esthetics and other cultural factors into mass culture while incorporating human cultural concern into network culture so that one-sided rule over technical sense can be avoided .
Profoundly aware of the existent dilemma of modern human beings : dominance of Mechanical and Social Technology , Wong Yoon Wah has opened up a new approach towards his poetry , on which he pursues freedom , exposes the violence of technology and returns to the earth .
Established companies reign with legacy technologies like the internal combustion engine .
Frankfurt school gradually changes its criticism from the early capitalist system to the science and technology itself and analyses human ˊ s alienation in the state of technical domination .
As far as negative function is concerned , technology innovation realizes the technology domination function in politics field because technology rises to ideology level ;
In the view of the hermeneutics , there are three types of comprehension in the technology society . The first comprehension is the period of development of society when technology had become the power of control and governance .
In view of the ecology crisis caused by technical rationalization , Gadamer also proposed the speculation of establishing non-technical ruled balanced relations between the human and the nature .
The science model requires an engineer 's loyalty to his organization , which attaches great importance to technology priority .