
  1. 本文针对目前高科技企业技术知识管理研究的不足以及缺少其他理论依托的现状,尝试运用生态学原理来指导高科技企业技术知识管理。

    Aiming at shortage of research for techno-knowledge management of high-tech enterprises and shortage of theory support , author tries to research techno-knowledge management on the basis of ecology theory .

  2. 基于WEB技术面向知识管理的OA的发展

    Development of OA Based on WEB 's Technology and Knowledge Management Oriented

  3. 文章在界定知识管理概念的基础上,探讨了如何把Blog技术用于知识管理中。

    This paper discusses the conception of knowledge management and how to apply Blog to knowledge management .

  4. 本文介绍了办公自动化系统、群件技术及知识管理的概念,探讨了基于Lotusnotes的OA系统在图书馆隐性知识管理中的应用。

    This text introduced the concepts of OA system , GroupWare and Knowledge Management , discussed the application of OA system based on Lotus Notes in the management of library tacit knowledge .

  5. 组织记忆(Organizationalmemory,OM)整合了组织中的各类知识,被认为是信息技术支撑知识管理的先决条件。

    Organizational memory ( OM ) integrates all kinds of organizational knowledge . It is regarded as the central prerequisite for IT support of knowledge management .

  6. 信息技术是知识管理技术的基础。

    IT is the basic of knowledge management technology .

  7. 可视化技术在知识管理领域的发展

    The Development of Visualization Technology in Knowledge Management

  8. 高新技术企业知识管理的方法及策略研究

    Study on the Method and Tactics of Knowledge Management in High & New Technology Enterprise

  9. 人、组织和技术是知识管理的三大支持系统。

    Human , organization and the technology are the three principal supporting systems of knowledge management .

  10. 为工作流技术与知识管理技术的有效结合提供了一个有益的途径。

    This paper presents a beneficial approach for the effective integration of workflow and knowledge management technologies .

  11. 最后,在信息技术和知识管理两者的基础之上,构建了一个基于知识管理的土地信息服务体系,并对其发展的制度环境进行探讨。

    Finally , it designs the LIS framework , and discusses the system environment of the developmental of LIS .

  12. 引进最先进的信息技术构建知识管理的工具,以此为知识分享与整合提供必要的硬件条件是企业成功实现知识分享与整合的必由之路。

    Introduce advanced information tools as hardware to support knowledge management is also necessary to knowledge sharing and integration .

  13. 人和技术是知识管理的两个重要维度,企业知识管理策略就是要在这两个维度上做出选择。

    People and technology are two dimensions of knowledge management , which decide firms ′ strategy of managing knowledge .

  14. 该知识库系统是建立在关系型数据库之上,因此它能够利用成熟的数据库管理技术进行知识管理。

    Because knowledge base for data mining bases on RDBMS , many management techniques of RDBMS can be used for knowledge management . 3 .

  15. 同时,情报学也呈现出新的发展势头与趋势,主要集中在信息技术、知识管理、社会应用与综合性倾向等方向。

    Also , Information Science shows new development trends , mainly focus on the Information Technology , Knowledge Management , social application and comprehensive management . 2 .

  16. 本文利用优先级矩阵对山东省农业高新技术企业知识管理的四个层面进行了分析,探讨四个层面管理的优劣势。

    This paper analyzed the four dimensions , the advantages and disadvantages of knowledge management agricultural high-tech enterprises in Shandong Province from four levels use " priority " matrix .

  17. 最后,针对调研结果提出初中信息技术教师知识管理能力发展建议,为下一步研究打好基础。

    Finally , the research gives the development suggestions of junior middle school information technology teachers ' knowledge management ability , to lay the foundation for the subsequent research .

  18. 山东省农业高新技术企业知识管理的成熟度为3.188,该评估结果表明山东省农业高新技术企业知识管理成熟度处于知识管理的第四个梯级&管理级。

    The knowledge management maturity of agricultural high-tech enterprises in Shandong Province is 3.188 , the results indicates that the agricultural high-tech enterprises in Shandong Province stays in the fourth steps - management level .

  19. 培养目标应当逐步从单一培养法律人才走向重视培养管理人才,加速培养经营人才,尤其是培养最紧缺的专利类技术知识产权管理与经营人才。

    The cultivation objectives should gradually transform from single law talents to management talents , and accelerate to cultivate administration talents , particularly the management and administration talants for patent technology intellectual property right which is short most .

  20. 同时,新形势要求图书情报专业人员的知识结构中包括技术知识、管理知识、文献信息知识和研究方法知识。

    LIS professionals could act as knowledge miners , knowledge organizers , knowledge navigators , and knowledge brokers . The new situation requires LIS professionals to possess knowledge on technology , management , literary information , and researching methods .

  21. 风险管理人员的专业教育,造就一批具有评价和降低项目建设中风险的集技术知识和管理知识的人才;

    Risk management in construction work occurs at several levels : It is one of the major purposes of profession education and qualification to provide a pool of people with the technical knowledge and skill to assess and minimize the risk inherent in construction .

  22. 再次,根据该模型设计问卷进行调查,并通过统计分析数据总结调研结果,发现初中信息技术教师知识管理能力发展中存在的问题及影响因素。

    Third , according to the model , this paper design questionnaire survey , and summary data researched results through the statistical analysis , to find problems and effect factors in the development of junior middle school information technology teachers ' knowledge management ability .

  23. Wiki技术在企业知识管理中的应用

    Application Research of Wiki Technology in Enterprise Knowledge Management

  24. FDI是涵盖了资本、技术、知识、管理技能以及有效组织资源等要素的综合体,因此FDI产生的技术外溢效应成为各国关注的热点。

    FDI is a synthesis which includes capital , technology , knowledge , skills of management and effective organizational resource etc. FDI Technology spillover effect has been a hotspot in every country .

  25. 本文将主题地图技术应用于知识管理,创新点如下:(1)提出以主题地图代替RDF实现语义网中元数据表示的思想。

    The main creation points of this dissertation are summarized as follows : Firstly , the idea of metadata representation in the semantic web using Topic Maps instead of RDF ( Resource Description Framework ) technology is presented .

  26. 技术是图书馆知识管理的基础支持因素。

    Technology is a basic factor to support library knowledge management .

  27. 智能文档主体技术及其在知识管理中的应用

    Technologies of Smart Document Agent and Its Application in Knowledge Management

  28. 高技术企业隐性知识管理中的激励组合研究

    Study on Incentives Portfolio for Tacit Knowledge Management in High-tech Companies

  29. 农业高新技术企业的知识管理成熟度评估研究

    Study on the Knowledge Management Maturity of Agricultural High-tech Enterprise

  30. 医院专业技术人员的知识管理

    Knowledge management of professional and technical personnel in hospital