
  1. 稳定和完善土地承包关系,调整农业生产结构。

    Second , is stable and the perfect land contracting relations , the adjustment agricultural production structure .

  2. 土地承包关系是现阶段农村生产关系的核心。

    The relation of land contract is the core of the rural production relations in the present stage .

  3. 稳定土地承包关系与推进苏南农业经营体制改革

    Steady the Land Contracting Relationship and Push Forward the Management System Reform in the Agriculture of Southern Jiangsu

  4. 土地承包关系的稳定,是土地承包经营权顺利流转的前提条件。

    The stabilization for the land contracting relationship serves as the precondition for the smooth circulation of land operation power .

  5. 当前农村经济工作的最大问题是土地承包关系不稳定,严重挫伤了农民的生产积极性。

    One of the most serious problem in rural economy is the unstability of land-contracted relationship which dampens the enthusiasm of peasants in production greatly .

  6. 2010年中央农村经济工作会议强调,确保农村现有土地承包关系保持稳定并长久不变,大力发展农民专业合作社。

    The central rural economic working conference emphasize that ensure that keep the land contracting relation stable and permanent , rapidly developed the farmers professional co-operatives .

  7. 毫不动摇地坚持农村基本经营制度,加快完善有关法律法规和政策,现有土地承包关系要保持稳定并长久不变。

    We will uphold the basic rural operation system ; quickly improve relevant laws , regulations and policies ; and maintain existing land contract relationships over the long term .

  8. 为此,首先,要稳定土地承包关系,维护承包方土地流转的主体地位,其次,要刺激土地需求,扩大土地供应量。

    Based on that we should first stablize relationship of land contract to maintain major status of land contractor . And second we can stimulate land demands and enlarge land supply .

  9. 因此应建立健全土地流转机制,并在稳定现有土地承包关系长久不变的前提下推进适度规模经营。

    So it is necessary to sound the mechanism of land transfer and promote the moderate scale operation unde the condition of stabilizing the existing land contract relationships over a long term .

  10. 第二,归纳了维护农民土地权益的两大措施:稳定农村上地承包关系长久不变;完善农村土地经营权流转。

    Secondly , summarizes the two measures of safeguard farmers ' land rights and interests : stabilize the rural land contract relations over the long term ; improve the rural land management rights transfer .

  11. 以土地承包关系为核心的双层经营体制,是党的农村经济政策的基石,必须长期坚持;

    The double-level management system with the land contracting relationship at its core is the cornerstone of the economic policy of the Party in the country and must be maintained for long periods of time .

  12. 如何在稳定土地承包关系的基础上,促进土地承包经营权流转,发展规模经营和集约经营,已经成为一个重大而紧迫的课题。

    How to base on level off the relationship of the land contract has become an important and urgent issue in promote the circulation of land contractual management rights and the development of the scale-up operations and intensive operations .

  13. 最后本文提出了落实农业第二个飞跃思想的对策:完善土地承包关系,加强土地制度的稳定与建设;

    Finally , the author comes up with some strategies to realize the " the second leap " thought on agriculture , including : to improve the land contract responsibility system and enhance the stability and construction of land system ;

  14. 我们要现有土地承包关系要保持稳定并长久不变,赋予农民包括离乡农民工更加充分而有保障的土地承包经营权。

    We will ensure that existing land contract relationships remain stable and unchanged for a long time to come and allow farmers , including migrant workers who leave their home villages , to enjoy their full and guaranteed rights to contract and manage land .

  15. 一方面,入世加快了农村的市场化进程,而土地作为最重要的生产要素,入世必将加速其流转,给农村的土地承包关系带来巨大影响。

    On one hand , after entering the WTO and accelerating the market-based process in the countryside , land is regarded as the most important factor of production . The entry to WTO will accelerate its circulation and will bring the tremendous influence to land contract relationship of the countryside .

  16. Partnering模式解决项目承包中对抗关系的探讨

    Discussion on Settle up the Antagonistic Relationship in Contract Project with Partnering Model

  17. 第一部分讨论了入世和农村土地承包之间的关系,指出了新形势下研究农村土地承包问题的必要性和紧迫性。

    In the first part it discuss about the relationship between entering the WTO and the land contract in the countryside , pointing out the necessity and urgency of solving problems of land contract in the countryside under the new situation .

  18. 浅论选矿厂钢球承包中的经济关系与合作关系

    Economic and cooperative relation in contracting of steel balls in mineral processing plant

  19. 合同条件中业主、监理工程师、承包人之间的关系

    Relation between Owner , Supervision Engineer and Contractor

  20. 网络企业通过与承包方建立合作关系的方式引进IT外包战略作为企业发展中新出现的一种战略,已经被越来越多的企业所接受。

    The network enterprises introduce the IT Outsourcing strategy as a new developing opportunity through building the cooperative relationship with contractors , and more accepting for other firms .

  21. 作为农村重要生产关系之一的家庭承包责任制是关系到农业发展,农村稳定,农民富裕的一项重要制度。

    As an important relations of production of countryside , it is a system on the agriculture develops , the stability of the countryside and the property of peasants .

  22. 1993年,这家标志性的旧金山牛仔裤制造商宣布,由于中国普遍侵犯人权,公司将结束与中国承包方的合作关系。

    In 1993 , the iconic San Francisco maker of dungarees declared it would end relationships with contractors in China because of what it called that country 's ' pervasive violation of human rights . '

  23. 分析工程承包中的合同关系,阐述工程承包中的钢结构主承建合同关系的实质,对此合同在实施中的控制方法进行了探讨。

    This paper analyzes the contract relation in the engineering contract and expounds the substance of the main contract relations of the steel structure engineering in project contract and makes an inquiry into the control method of the contract practice .

  24. 另一方面,完善有关农村土地承包的法律法规,稳定农村土地承包关系,对于加快实现农业现代化以应对WTO挑战,具有重要的意义。

    On the other hand , improving the laws and regulations concerning land contract in the countryside and stabilizing the contract relationship of rural land is meaningful to accelerating the process of realizing agricultural modernization .

  25. 第三部分分析农村土地承包合同与农村土地承包经营权的关系。

    The second part analyse the nature of rural land contract .

  26. 坚持家庭承包制,核心是稳定和完善农地承包关系。但是,家庭联产承包责任制并不是农村经济体制改革的终结,而仅仅是改革的开端。

    To keep the System of Household Contract Responsibility , the core is to make it stable and improve the land contract relationships . However , the system is not the end of the rural economic reform .

  27. 建设工程承包合同需合法有效,非因建设工程合同承包关系所产生的债权不能成立优先受偿权。

    The construction contract must be legal and valid .

  28. 因此,稳定家庭承包经营制度的核心问题就是稳定完善农村土地承包关系。

    So , the key question of the stabling family contract system is improving the contract relationship of rural land .

  29. 扎实推进第二轮土地承包到期后再延长30年工作,保持农村土地承包关系稳定并长久不变。

    It is important to ensure rural land contracting practices remain stable and unchanged on a long-term basis and adopt concrete steps to extend the current round of contracts for another 30 years when they expire .

  30. 《农村土地承包法》以法律形式赋予农民长期而又有保障的农村土地使用权,从根本上保护了农民的权利,保证农村土地承包关系的长期稳定。

    According to the Law on Land Contract in Rural Areas , peasants are entitled to a long-term use of the land with security .