
fú bì
  • buttress;counterfort;spur;abamurus
扶壁[fú bì]
  1. 浅析扶壁式钢筋混凝土挡土墙的设计

    Analysis on the Design of Counterfort Reinforced Concrete Retaining Wall

  2. 计算结果表明,设扶壁柱的岩壁吊车梁受力合理,且能提高吊车梁的整体抗滑稳定安全系数。

    Calculation results show that the counterfort columns can not only rationalize the loading of , but also improve the anti-slide stability safety coefficient of the crane beam .

  3. 180m大型扶壁式预应力矩形水池设计及施工

    Design and Construction of 180m Large Wall - Hung Prestressed Rectangular Water Pool

  4. 预应力锚杆无底扶壁结构构造设计

    Approach to Structure Design of Unbased Buttressed Structure with Prestressing Anchors

  5. 某扶壁码头被船碰撞后损坏严重。

    A buttressed wharf damaged severely after collision by ship .

  6. 预应力扶壁框架在某曝气池中的应用

    A New Application with Prestressed Buttress Frame in a Certain Aerated Pond

  7. 扶壁式轻型桥台设计埋置式桥梁伸缩装置的应用前景展望

    Design of Buttressed Light Type Abutment Prospect of Embedded Expansion Joints for Bridges

  8. 人们决定建造扶壁以支撑崩塌中的墙。

    It was decided to buttress the crumbling walls .

  9. 支墩或飞扶壁顶上的尖尖的装饰物;

    Pinnacle : A sharply pointed ornament capping the piers or flying buttresses ;

  10. 散粮筒仓扶壁折返式溜槽降碎装置

    An Anti-Broken Equipment for Foldable Chute on the Wall of Bulk Grain Silos

  11. 对国外一个大型扶壁结构码头实例的引用分析

    The Analysis of a Foreign Large Buttressed Wall

  12. 高大扶壁式挡土墙墙后土压力特性有限元分析

    Analysis of Behaviors of Earth Pressure Behind Counterfort Retaining Wall with Finite Element Method

  13. Ⅳ型需扶壁钢板内固定加松质骨植骨;

    Type ⅳ needs a buttress plate fixation as well as cancellous bone grafting ;

  14. 扶壁式轻型桥台设计

    Design of Buttressed Light Type Abutment

  15. 产于东亚澳大利亚和热带非洲的一个材用树木小属,构成巨大扶壁。

    Small genus of timber trees of eastern Asia , Australasia and tropical Africa that form large buttresses .

  16. 介绍了一种新型护岸结构&预应力锚杆无底扶壁挡土墙结构,该结构由立板、肋板和防滑齿墩及预应力锚杆体系组成,是一种适用于岩基的新型护岸结构。

    This paper introduces the features of the modern shore structure-the tied buttressed retaining wall without bottom between buttresses .

  17. 重庆市某高填方工程,在施工过程中发现扶壁出现裂缝,墙体产生倾斜和变形。

    Some cracks in buttress and deformation of wall were found during construction of high fill slope in Chongqing .

  18. 苍梧县城区扶壁式防洪堤经受了超100年一遇的外江洪水侵袭后发生多处险情;

    The buttress flood dike in city zone of Changwu county has seen many dangerous positions after the extra 100-return-year flood .

  19. 从适用条件、侧向土压力计算、抗滑移稳定验算等几个方面探讨了扶壁式钢筋混凝土挡土墙的设计。

    From the condition of acceptability , the calculation of lateral earth pressure , and the checking computation of anti-sliding stability , etc.

  20. 教堂建好不久,就沿南面墙壁建造扶壁,因为那儿开始塌陷。

    Soon after the church was built buttresses had to be built along the south wall because it was beginning to collapse .

  21. 在散粮筒仓中设扶壁折返式溜槽降碎装置,可大大降低粮食的破损率。

    Equipped with an anti-broken gear for foldable chute on the wall of bulk grain silos can reduce the grain broken rate effectively .

  22. 伸出的树枝;结实的突出的扶壁;他的突出的肋骨;一堆木板在他的卡车的尾部伸出。

    The jutting limb of a tree ; massive projected buttresses ; his protruding ribs ; a pile of boards sticking over the end of his truck .

  23. 扶壁式轻型桥台是由台帽、耳墙、扶壁、胸墙、群桩承台、锥坡、裙墙组成。

    The buttressed light type abutment consists of abutment cap , side wall , buttress , breast wall , group pile cap , conical slope and skirt wall .

  24. 本文对扶壁式挡土墙进行优化计算,利用优化设计程序对不同参数下的截面状态和工程造价进行分析比较。

    Counterfort retaining walls are optimized in the paper , using the optimum program , costs of different counterfort retaining wall parameters were calculated and based on the contrast analysis .

  25. 设置桩支承的起重机轨道梁的扶壁码头结构形式,抗倾稳定性影响分析中应该考虑截桩力的稳定力矩。

    In the process of overturning stability analysis of counterforted buttressed quay wall with crane rail bearer , we shall consider the stabilization moment caused by the force of cutting pile .

  26. 挡土墙有很多的类型,包括重力式挡土墙、悬臂式挡土墙、扶壁式挡土墙、加筋土挡土墙、锚定板挡土墙、空箱式挡土墙等。

    There are many types of Retaining walls , including the gravity retaining wall , cantilever Retaining Wall , counterfort retaining wall , reinforced retaining wall , chamber retaining wall and so on .

  27. 由扶壁、墙、墙组成的框架抵抗水平荷载,而以承台、基抵抗垂直及水平荷载的共同作用力。

    The frame , which is formed by buttress , breast wall and side wall bear the horizontal loads , and group pile cap bears the resultant force of vertical and horizontal loads .

  28. 其次,确定扶壁式挡土墙各个构件的计算模型和计算荷载,由此进行内力分析,计算出结构内力。

    Then , the calculating model and the calculating load of each member of the buttressed retaining wall are determined , and we can carry out internal force analysis and can figure out the internal force of structure .