
sào zhou
  • broom;besom;handbroom
扫帚 [sào zhǒu]
  • [broom] 扫地的工具,多用竹枝扎成。也叫“扫把”

扫帚[sào zhou]
  1. 拿扫帚把那些玻璃清扫干净好吗?

    Get a broom and sweep up that glass will you ?

  2. 诺尔玛拿起扫帚开始扫了起来。

    Norma picked up the broom and began sweeping .

  3. 没有扫帚我无法扫。

    I can 't sweep without a broom .

  4. 扫帚不到,灰尘照例不会自己跑掉。

    As a rule , where the broom does not reach the dust will not vanish of itself .

  5. 用扫帚把路上的东西扫干净!

    Use a broom to sweep the leaves from the path !

  6. 她拿着扫帚打扫房间。

    She sweeps the room with a broom .

  7. “美国有一夜之间就能把整棵树啃得像扫帚柄一样光秃秃的大蚂蚁,”她在描述中写道。

    " In America there are large ants which can eat whole trees bare as a broom handle in a single night , " she wrote in the description .

  8. 一根扫帚把灰溜溜地躺在无人注意的角落。

    This single stick now is ingloriously lying in that neglected corner .

  9. 他把扫帚立在门后。

    He stood his broom behind the door .

  10. 她在用扫帚扫地。

    She is sweeping with a broom .

  11. 我看到了这一切,不尽兴叹,自言自语一番:人不也是一根扫帚么?

    When I saw it I sighed , and said within myself : surely man is a broomstick .

  12. 指挥官命令部下向敌军开火。n.扫帚

    The officer commanded his men to fire at the enemy . broom

  13. 接下来在本周二,一系列自发性质的清扫团体在Twitter上组建起来,大家约定集结地点,并互相提醒带上手套、麻袋、扫帚和刷子。

    Then on Twitter on Tuesday , a flurry of spontaneous cleaning parties formed , fixing rendezvous and reminding each other to bring gloves , sacks , brooms and brushes .

  14. 七个人一齐把扫帚往前一举,七根崭新的、光滑锃亮的飞天扫帚,七行漂亮的金字“光轮200l”,在早晨的阳光下晃着格兰芬多队员的眼睛。

    All seven of them held out their broomsticks . Seven highly polished , brand-new handles andseven sets of fine gold lettering spelling the words Nimbus Two Thousand and One gleamed under theGryffindors'noses in the early morning sun .

  15. 此外,我们提供私人标签扫帚与具体要求。

    In addition we offer private label brooms with specific requirements .

  16. 无根的扫帚状热带丛生植物。

    Chiefly tropical clump-forming plants of skeletal broom-like appearance lacking roots .

  17. 我打碎了一个玻璃杯,请把扫帚递给我。

    I broke a glass ! Please get me the broom .

  18. 我也喜欢你手里拿着这把扫帚。

    And I like you with this broom in your hand .

  19. 用扫帚或似扫帚的物体清扫。

    Sweep with a broom or as if with a broom .

  20. 如壶、平底锅、扫帚和桶。

    Such as pots and pans , and brooms and buckets .

  21. 斯内普在给扫帚下诅咒!

    It 's Snape . He 's jinxing the broom ! -

  22. 都站到飞天扫帚左边去。

    Everyone step up to the left side of the broomstick .

  23. 刚才是你第一次骑上扫帚的,对吗?波特?

    Was that your first time on a broomstick , Potter ?

  24. 在清扫夫前推动的宽扫帚。

    A wide broom that is pushed ahead of the sweeper .

  25. 斯内普干嘛要给哈利的扫帚下咒?

    Why would Snape put a curse on Harry 's broom ?

  26. 新扫帚总是要将所有旧的灰尘一扫而净。

    New brooms often make a clean sweep of old staff .

  27. 把右手伸到扫帚上方,说:上来。

    Stick your hand over the broom and say , Up .

  28. 一个用来存放扫帚和其他洁具的地方。

    A small room for storing brooms and other cleaning equipment .

  29. 真的有店卖咒语书和魔法扫帚吗?

    Were there really shops that sold spell books and broomsticks ?

  30. 如扫帚,是新的,它打扫干净;

    If a broom is new , it sweeps clean ;