
zhí xínɡ yì yì
  • opposition to execution;opposition to enforcement
  1. 从分析我国执行异议的法律依据、存在问题入手,提出构建执行异议之诉的设想,并对执行异议之诉的当事人、法律后果、反诉、诉讼时效、调解和解等问题进行理论上的阐述。

    This paper analyzes the legal bases of the existing problems in China 's opposition to execution , and theoretically expatiates upon the agents concerned , legal consequences , countercharge , prescription of lawsuit , mediation and compromise , etc. in opposition-to-execution charge .

  2. 近两年来,执行异议之诉已逐渐成为审判实务中一类有相当数量的新类型案件,从立案到审理、从审理到调整执行程序,各个层面均出现了很多新问题。

    The past two years , opposition to execution v. trial practice a considerable number of new types of cases from filing to hearing from the trial to adjust the program execution at all levels are a lot of new problems .

  3. 试论执行异议之诉的程序构造

    The Process Structure of the Law Suit with Carrying-out Dissidence

  4. 第三部分对执行异议之诉进行了比较研究。

    The third part is about comparative legal cultures studies .

  5. 试论我国的执行异议制度及其完善

    The Execution Objection System in China and its Perfection

  6. 执行异议制度改革的构想

    Conception of Reform on the System of Implementation Disagreement

  7. 论我国执行异议制度的反思与重塑

    Rethink and Mold Our Country 's Execution Objection System

  8. 首先阐述了执行异议之诉的概念、特征以及分类。

    Firstly , it describes concepts , characteristics and classifications of implementation of Objection .

  9. 浅议注册会计师对舞弊的甄别论民事执行异议之诉

    Discussions on the Discrimination of Fraud by CPA

  10. 就理论基础而言,作者认为,执行异议之诉存在的基础其实可以溯源至诉讼程序中。

    The theory base of the lawsuit of the enforcement trace to source the civil trial .

  11. 因此,我国的执行异议之诉制度有待于我们进一步地完善。

    Therefore , my objection to the appeal system implementation we need to be further improved .

  12. 执行异议审查程序的改革应遵循公正和效率的原则。

    The reform on review procedure of implementation disagreement should follow the principle of justness and efficiency .

  13. 第一部分论证了执行异议之诉制度存在的基础。

    In the first part of this treatise , the author argue the base of the lawsuit of the en for cement .

  14. 其次,结合学术界的各种学说,评析了执行异议之诉的法律性质。

    Secondly , combined with a variety of academic theories , the article analyzes the legal nature of the lawsuit of enforcement .

  15. 本文正文由四个部分构成:第一部分执行异议审查的现状分析。

    The thesis includes four parts as follows : The first part is the current situation analysis on examination of objection to execution .

  16. 改革内容包括执行异议审查的对象和内容,执行异议审查主体,执行异议审查方式和程序等。

    What should be reformed involves the object and content , the subject , and the mode and procedure of review of implementation disagreement .

  17. 执行异议制度通过赋予执行相对人提出异议的权利,对法院的执行权进行制衡。

    The system of executive objection is that according to giving the rights to execution counterpart , checking and balancing the enforcement power of court .

  18. 摘要执行异议制度是为保护执行案件案外人不受强制执行行为不当或违法侵害而设立的一项救济制度。

    The opposition system is a relief system that has been instituted in order to protect people outside related civil cases from improper execution behavior or unlawful infringement .

  19. 完善执行异议程序,应当充分反映程序正义的内在要求,有利于实体正义的实现。

    In order to perfect the objection procedure , the procedures should fully reflect the inherent requirement of justice , which is conducive to the realization of justice entities .

  20. 然而,我国执行异议之诉制度设计尚存在不少缺陷,在立法上和司法实践中也存有诸多问题,仍需进一步完善。

    However , the system for the lawsuit of enforcement in China is still not perfect . There are many problems to improve in the legislation and judicial practice .

  21. 结合我国现行法律和司法解释的相关规定,对进一步完善执行异议程序建立提出构想,并对实践中一些法律适用问题提出意见。

    Combined with existing laws and judicial interpretation , the thesis puts forward an assumption of further perfecting objection to procedure execution and some ideas of the application of law in reality .

  22. 根据《民事诉讼法》第二百零四条规定,提起执行异议之诉的期限为自执行裁定送达之日起十五日。

    According to " Civil Law " Article 204 stipulates that the complaint filed objections to the implementation period for the implementation of the decision from the date of service of 15 .

  23. 民事执行异议之诉是民事执行救济中的一项重要内容和方法,它是通过诉的方式对执行当事人和第三人所进行的救济。

    Civil lawsuit of objection to execution is one of the most important ways of remedies of civil execution . It is a remedy to the parties of execution and third party by lawsuit .

  24. 然而,我国的执行异议不仅性质混乱,程序规定也不具体,不能发挥其程序性救济的重要作用。

    However , in our country , the execution objection not only the quality is confused , but also the stipulation is not concretely , which can not develop the important effect of the procedural relief .

  25. 综观英美法系与大陆法系相关国家和地区有关第三人执行异议之诉的规定,因受各国的立法体例、文化传统等诸多因素的影响,呈现出多样化的形态。

    Overview the provisions of the third party objection v. in Common Law and Civil Law countries or regions appear morphological diversity because of the legislative style , cultural traditions in different country and many other factors .

  26. 在此基础上分析指出我国修改前后的《民事诉讼法》关于案外人执行异议之诉制度规定的进步方面以及缺陷和不足。

    Based on this analysis points out the changes before and after the " Civil Procedure Act " on the outsider raises objection to the appeal system requires the implementation progress as well as defects and deficiencies .

  27. 特别是我国民事执行异议之诉制度的创设,将非诉形式的执行异议程序性救济修改为由执行机构初步审查,再通过诉讼形式予以救济。

    Especially , with the initial establishment of the system for the lawsuit of civil enforcement in China , the original procedural relief system of non-litigation forms has been replaced by the substantive relief system of action forms .

  28. 进而对案外人执行异议之诉制度的构建进行深入探讨并提出了切实可行的建议,以期科学合理地构建我国的案外人执行异议之诉制度。

    Then the implementation of the outsider raises objection v. System in-depth study and put forward practical proposals to build a scientific and rational manner the implementation of our lawsuit about outsiders ' dissidence to civil execution system .

  29. 首先,介绍了民事执行异议之诉的概念及种类,论述了执行异议之诉的特征,明确其是执行程序中的实体性权利救济方式。

    Firstly , the article introduces the concept and species of the lawsuit of civil enforcement , discusses the characteristics of the lawsuit of enforcement and clears it is a relief of substantive right in the enforcement procedure .

  30. 执行异议意在纠正执行机关在程序上的错误,其构成必须具备相应的主体条件和事实理由,且执行异议的运作有着严格的程序规定。

    The objection of executive procedure aims at correcting the mistakes of executive organs in procedure , which should have corresponding subjective and factual reasons , and the procedure of the objection of executive procedure must be strictly defined .