
zhí zhènɡ zhě
  • ruler;in
  1. 秉持社会正义恪守社会公平&执政者构建和谐社会的一个支点

    Upholding Social Justice and Scrupulously Abiding by Social Equality & a key point for the administrative ruler to construct a harmonious society

  2. 是该国的执政者创造了这一体制。

    It was the country 's rulers who devised this system

  3. 除了国内生产总值(GDP)之外,这也是一项非常强大的政策工具,它能够告诉执政者人民究竟想要什么,这足以让他们晚上睡不着了。

    This is a potentially enormously powerful policy instrument going beyond GDP , to inform governments of what people want and what keeps them awake at night , he says .

  4. 在此基础上采用基于数据包络法(DEA)的二次评价模型,评价克服客观基础条件差异后执政者的有效努力程度和效果-管理绩效,即循环经济型城市的管理有效性。

    Based on this method it establishes a secondary evaluation model with the data envelopment analysis ( DEA ), to evaluate the effective efforts degree and effect of the governor after overcoming the differences of objective basic conditions , which is the management effectiveness of circular economy city .

  5. JerryWebman:“撰写宪法的人对执政者持怀疑态度,在宪法中规定了政府三大分支互相检查,互相平衡的许多方法。”

    JERRY WEBMAN : " The Constitution that was written by people who were very , very suspicious of executive authority and built into the Constitution lots of ways in which the three branches of government could check and balance each other . "

  6. 民意调查显示,投票者对当前的执政者非常不满。

    Public opinion surveys show voters are angry with office holders .

  7. 辽尊崇儒家学说,但是执政者却资助中国的佛学。

    The Liao honored Confucian philosophy but the rulers patronized Chinese Buddhism .

  8. 最近的公众意愿显示在执政者的职责之中

    The recent demonstration of public sentiment inscribes on the list of Executive duties

  9. 为了重建对执政者和科学工作者的信任,政府应该采取什么措施呢?

    What can the government do to re-build trust in politicians and scientists ?

  10. 最近的公众意愿显示在执政者的职责之中,

    The recent demonstration of public sentiment inscribes on the list of Executive duties ,

  11. 缅甸执政者说,这次公投将会导致2010年进行民主选举。

    Burma 's rulers say the referendum will lead to democratic elections in 2010 .

  12. 毋庸置疑的是,缅甸的执政者非常希望能够看到制裁得到迅速解禁。

    Myanmar 's leaders , no doubt , would like to see sanctions lifted rapidly .

  13. 这位执政者试图在公众眼里树立起一个体恤民情的新形象。

    The governor is trying to create a new , caring image with the public .

  14. 执政者公园在附近吗?

    Is regent 's park near here ?

  15. 执政者被明智地赋予有资格对某些立法作出否决。

    the Executive has been wisely invested with a qualified veto upon the acts of the Legislature .

  16. 特别是风险社会中不断出现的公共危机,导致国内学者、政府对执政者媒介素养的关注和反思。

    Public crisis emerging from risky society leads scholars and government to concern about media literacy of leaders .

  17. 总检察长的职位长期以来一直被看作是执政者的工具。

    The position of the prosecutor general has long been seen as a tool for whoever is in power .

  18. 其中,丹麦人对国家的执政者和公共机构表示了高度的信任,评分为8.3分,居于榜首;

    Danes who expressed a high level of trust in their politicians and public institutions came top of the field at8.3 .

  19. 政府是执政者,这是普遍接受的观点。

    Being in power for the people is the marxism achievements view ; It is generally accepted that government serves as a protector .

  20. 执政者只有把法治提高到自觉的程度,把他律与自律结合起来,才能治理好国家。

    The state can be well managed only if they manage the state by law with the combination of compulsive discipline and self discipline .

  21. 很显然,美国的执政者们在作出战略决策时不会只简单地了解这个国家是否准备好了美元化。

    Clearly , American executives , when making strategic decisions , need to know more than simply that a country is prepared to dollarize .

  22. 而如何解决这个方面的矛盾一直是执政者必须小心对待的一个政治问题,而不是单纯看作是一个经济问题。

    And how to solve the contradiction of this aspect has been a political problem rather than an economic one faced by the ruling party .

  23. 苏丹结束长达21年的内战后不久,苏丹人民解放运动成为半自治的南方的执政者。

    Shortly after the end of Sudan 's 21-year civil war , the Sudan People 's Liberation Movement came into power in the semi-autonomous south .

  24. 执政者所掌握的只是使用权,因此他们对社会的治理不是一种统治,而是一种管理。

    The person in power only take charge of right to use , So their governance to social is not a kind of dominion but management .

  25. 此外,遇到重大投资决策时,企业管理者必须要服从执政者,而执政者的目标往往不是企业利润最大化。

    Furthermore , on big strategic decisions , managers have to defer to political masters whose goal is not to maximise the profits of the company .

  26. 如实了解执政者之行为,有利于民众在选择领导人时,更好地作出决定,并向他们问责。

    Full facts about the actions of those who govern them enable citizens to make better decisions about their leaders , and hold them to account .

  27. 在中国古代,商人的社会地位最低,中国几千年执政者也都是“抑商”的。

    In ancient China , businessmen occupied the lowest of social classes , and business was limited by the emperors of China for several thousand years .

  28. 通过让银行在好的时候建立储蓄量,并减少他们在资本系统中的空间,西班牙的执政者留下了很好的经验。

    By making banks build reserves in good times and reducing their room to get around capital regimes , Spain 's regulators drew the right lesson .

  29. 政治文明是中国现代化的目标之一,政治文明要求执政者依法合理地使用人民赋予的权力,这就要求对权力具有制约机制。

    One of China 's destinations in modernization is to establish a political civilization society which is necessary to political economy and protection of people 's property .

  30. 蜀汉执政者有较好的文化修养,采取了一系列行之有效的文化政策,形成自己的文学学术风尚。

    The Shuhan leader of laws has the good cultural education , has adopted a series of effective cultural policy , forms the own literature academic prevailing custom .