
  • 网络Printing costs
  1. pcounter非常适用于通过对其客户收费以回收打印成本的专业服务机构。

    Pcounter is particularly well suited for professional services organizations that need to recover print costs by charge-back to their clients .

  2. 通过客户端扣款方式回收打印成本。

    Recover print costs via client chargebacks .

  3. 由于每页将近8美分的打印成本过高,很多公司都在限制彩色文件的打印。

    Many companies restrict the use of color printers because of high costs & up to eight cents a page , compared to a penny a page for black and white .

  4. 不过尽管打印成本不高,但这种打印机的成本却十分高昂&工业级的打印机造价高达数万美元。

    But though the cost of printing is low , the cost of the actual printers is quite high & in the tens of thousands of dollars for industrial grade machines .

  5. 最初的3D打印技术成本较高,所以无法普及,但是鉴于现代科技的发展,以后几乎每个家庭都可以拥有一个3D打印机,其未来的发展趋势也可期。

    The original prototypes were unaffordable and thereby inaccessible to the public , but modern technology has made it possible to have a 3D printer in every home . While we move towards the future , we can look forward to some exciting trends .

  6. 由于只需要一个墨迹,因此它是在胶印机上打印的成本最低的一个颜色模式。

    This is the least expensive color model to print on an offset press since it requires only one ink .

  7. 6台打印机并不多,但鉴于它们是在不间断地打印,成本一下子就上去了。

    Six printers isn 't that many , but they 'd be running all the time . And that gets expensive .

  8. 无须制版,打印快捷且成本低廉,可用各种输出软件。

    No plate-making , fast printing , low cost , available for the output of various of softwares .

  9. 然而,在某些阶段价格水平可能上涨了5%或10%就必须支付重新打印的固定成本。

    However at some stage - perhaps a five or 10 per cent increase in the price level - the fixed cost of that reprinting must be paid .