
zhā zhēn
  • Needling;acupuncture treatment;give an acupuncture treatment
扎针 [zhā zhēn]
  • [acupuncture treatment] 中医针灸法中的针法,用特制的金属针,按一定的穴位,刺入患者体内,用捻、提等手法以达到治疗疾病的目的

扎针[zhā zhēn]
  1. 深圳市出现过多次艾滋病患者不断以“扎针”或者咬人等方式,要挟路人索要钱财的情况。

    Shenzhen , many AIDS patients appear to continue to " give an acupuncture treatment ," or bite , etc. , ask for money from passers-blackmail situation .

  2. 他把针头拔出,在扎针处按了一块药棉。

    He withdrew the needle and placed a pad of cotton-wool over the spot .

  3. 这个医生扎针特灵。

    That doctor is very good at giving needle treatment .

  4. 基于opencv的扎针机器人视觉导航

    Navigation of inserting-needle Robot Based on opencv

  5. 没人说过我要扎针的。

    Jake : Nobody said I had to get a shot .

  6. 前列腺活检机器人扎针机构的运动控制

    Motion Control of Needle Insertion Mechanism for Prostate Biopsy Robot

  7. 他觉得碘酒像扎针似地刺痛着他的大腿。

    He felt the iodine stinging like a needle thrust into his leg .

  8. 通常情况下,并不在病人感觉到疼痛的地方扎针。

    Often acupuncture needles are not inserted in the place where the patient feels pain .

  9. 奶奶也常对人说:让孙子给您扎针吧!

    Well , grandmother always said to others , Let my grandson needle for you !

  10. 而我第一次扎针刀是因为我抱怨我的腿部有块肌肉持续的紧张。

    I first had acupotomy when I complained about an ongoing tight muscle in my leg .

  11. 有的孩子看着自己的母亲往胳膊里扎针,然后失去知觉,

    There 's a kid whose mom sticks a needle in her arm and passes out ,

  12. 随后,一些东方人在你身上扎针,真怪,你也不觉得痛,病却好了。

    Then men from the East stick needles in you and lo , you feel no pain and are healed .

  13. 缠足、凿齿、肉体上穿孔、皮肤上扎针等多种形式的自残装饰习俗,是特定社会环境中诸多因素的产物。

    The various customs of self-deforming ornaments such as foot-binding , tooth-digging , flesh-perforating and skin-pricking result from a good many factors in special social circumstances .

  14. 33例按上述方法给药但不扎针,无痛率为48.5%。

    33 cases were operated on without needling but by use of same dose of drugs mentioned above , with a rate of analgesia of 48.5 % .

  15. 在我的经验中,「扎针」(针灸师轻拍并转动刚插入的针)并不会疼痛,但是绝对可以感知得到。

    In my experience , needling ( where the acupuncturist taps and twists the flesh-embedded needle ) is not painful , but it is most definitely noticeable .

  16. 他讲述了许多令人心痛的往事,譬如一个10岁的癌症患者曾经给他50美分,因为他在给她静脉注射扎针时一次就成功了。

    He tells many poignant anecdotes , like one about a 10-year-old cancer patient who gives DeVita a 50-cent piece because he puts in her intravenous line on the first try .

  17. 科学家们对脚掌有伤痛的老鼠进行了针灸&在老鼠身上某穴位扎针、捻转,然后他们发现在该穴位周围的组织中产生了大量的腺苷三磷酸。

    Scientists tried the technique on mice that had a pain in the paw , inserting and rotating the needles in the mouse version of one of the most effective acupoints in Chinese medicine .

  18. 通常情况下,生病的时候,学生们会选择给自己扎针治疗。一名学生说道:“我们在课堂上学习了经络穴位,这种级别的操作很安全。”

    Normally , when feeling ill , students would choose acupuncture treatment given by themselves , " We have learned meridian acupoints in class ... this level of operation is pretty safe , " a student said .

  19. 结论1.晕针发生的时机,研究分析显示坐姿、空腹以及医者的临床经验过少,技术不娴熟、首次扎针等都是最常发生的原因。

    Halo needle time occurrence , analysis revealed that the first barbed needle , sitting , and fasting and the clinical experience of doctors is too small , technology is not skilled and so are most common causes . 2 .

  20. 哦,还有,全班同学都动员我去和某完全不熟的同学结婚,我说不要了吧,后来逃跑,就碰到被扎针了。

    And before that , I was mobilized by all of my classmates to marry one classmate I didn 't even know . I said maybe not this time , & then I ran away until I got the shot on my leg .