
shǒu zú chù nuò
  • tetania;apyretic tetanus;intermittent tetanus;rheumatic contraction
  1. 方法:静脉注射10%葡萄糖酸钙注射液10ml,肌肉注射安定注射液10mg,观察15min内的手足搐搦缓解情况,并判定疗效;

    Methods : After injecting 10 % calcium gluconate ( 10ml ) into the veins and valium ( 10mg ) into the muscles , observe the alleviative condition of tetany within 15 minutes and judge the effect ;

  2. 其余12例移植后血钙值上升,Chvostek征和Trousseau征转阴性,手足搐搦、感觉异常等低钙症状缓解或消失。

    In other 12 cases followed up over 6 months to 3 years , the serum calcium increased ; Chvostek 's sign and Trousseau 's sign turned to negative ; symptoms such as tetany , muscle cramps , hyposthenia , anxiety and depression disappeared or were ameliorated .

  3. 维生素D缺乏性手足搐搦症110例分析

    A clinical analysis of 110 cases with tetany of vitamin D deficiency

  4. 钙剂持续静滴治疗婴儿手足搐搦症45例疗效观察

    Continuous intravenous drip of calcium gluconate in treating 45 cases of baby 's tetany

  5. 应用葡萄糖酸钙和安定可迅速有效地缓解手足搐搦。

    To apply calcium gluconate and valium can alleviate the tetany quickly and efficiently .

  6. 婴儿手足搐搦症110例临床分析

    Clinical analysis of 110 cases with infantile tetany

  7. 目的比较钙剂持续静滴与钙剂间断静滴治疗婴儿手足搐搦症的效果。

    Objective To evaluate the therapeutic effects of continuous and intermittent intravenous drip of calcium gluconate .

  8. 如出现手足搐搦或肌肉痉挛可能偶尔需要钙剂或镁剂。

    Calcium or magnesium supplements may occasionally be needed if tetany or muscle spasms are present .

  9. 维生素D缺乏手足搐搦症患儿血清细胞因子水平测定及其临床意义

    The Alterations of Serum Cytokine Levels and Their Clinical Significance in Children with Vitamin D Deficiency Tetany

  10. 目的:探索葡萄糖酸钙与安定对过度换气所致手足搐搦的疗效;

    Objective : To explore the effect of calcium gluconate and valium on the tetany resulting from hyperventilation syndrome ;

  11. 速尿增加尿中钙,可降低血清钙水平和案件手足搐搦已报告。

    Furosemide increases urinary excretion of calcium , may lower serum calcium levels and cases of tetany have been reported .

  12. 结果:高热惊厥29.5%,颅脑疾病43.0%,低钙性手足搐搦25.0%,病因未明者2.5%;

    Results : hyperpyretic convulsion , craniocerebral diseases , hypocalcemic tetany and other cause-unidentified diseases accounted for 29.5 % , 43.0 % , 25.0 % , 2.5 % respectively .

  13. 本文对110例婴儿手足搐搦症进行了分析,患儿年龄为28天~1岁,其中3个月以下及牛奶喂养儿发病率高。

    110 cases of infantile tetany were analysed . Age ranged from 28-day-old to one-year-old . There was a higher incidence among the infants under three-month-old and cow 's milk fed .

  14. 分析了110例维生素D缺乏性手足搐搦症,其中79.1%为3个月以下的婴儿,春季发病者多,人工喂养及混合喂养儿发病者多,有并存症者多。

    110 cases with tetany of vitamin D deficiency are reported . Among them , 79.1 % ( 87 / 110 ) are within 3 months of age . Most of 110 cases are of artificial and mixed feeding , attack in spring and exist simultaneously with other diseases .