
  • 网络Wap;Mobile Web;mobile;Mobile site
  1. 基于SSH的手机网站的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of Mobile Web Site Based on SSH

  2. GetJar提供了一个网页微件,可以贴到手机网站或Facebook页面,为用户指明GetJar最热门的应用。

    GetJar provides a Web-based widget which can be pasted onto mobile websites or Facebook pages to point visitors to the hosted app at GetJar .

  3. 久邦数码(SungyMobile)是一家手机网站,主要制作手机游戏。

    Sungy mobile is mobile Internet , mostly games .

  4. 调查还显示,11%的人曾收到邀请外出约会的短信。该调查由手机网站Recombu.com开展,共有两千人参加。

    The survey , of 2000 people by mobile phone site , also found 11 per cent of us have been asked out by text .

  5. 手机网站的重要性日益显现,你可以没有这项定制服务,但是你不能排除你的竞争对手已经有了的可能性,又或者他们正在赶工中。

    Mobile websites are only going to increase in importance ; if you don 't have a mobile-optimized site , chances are your competitors do-or they 're building one .

  6. “手机网站Recombu.com的编辑汉娜•伯克利负责开展了此项调查。她说:“用手机打几个单词发短信过去更简单,避免了正面冲突。”

    Hannah Bouckley , editor of mobile phone site , which carried out the research , said : " It is easier to write a few words and then sent it through a text and avoid confrontation . "

  7. 系统最终实现了网站流量统计分析、网站导航等基本功能及用户访问行为分析、用户销售购买场景研究等特有功能,并实现了投资回报分析、手机网站分析等选用功能。

    The system ultimately realizes such functions as website traffic statistic analysis and website navigation , some special functions like user access behavior analysis and user sales purchasing scenario research , and such optional function as investment return analysis and cell phone website analysis .

  8. 今天,社交网站脸谱网宣布以约250亿美元的价格完成对手机短信网站WhatsApp的收购。

    Social network site Facebook announced today to close its roughly 25 billion dollars purchase of mobile messaging site WhatsApp .

  9. 严格意义来说,Shozu不是一家手机社交网站,但它可以允许用户通过手机分享自己在社交网站Facebook、Flickr或YouTube上的视频和图片。

    Is not strictly speaking a social network , but it enables you to share your videos and photos via your mobile phone-e.g.from your Flickr account , YouTube , Facebook .

  10. 感谢手机行业网站Electronista为本文提供信息。

    Thanks to electronista for spotting the story .

  11. 参考诺基亚手机开发网站提供的基于S60平台的输入法开发文档,设计了一套所有应用程序的输入法实例与FEP中文词库服务器程序进行交互的方案,利用输入法后台服务器程序实现字词的检索。

    Refering to development documents of input methods provided by Nokia mobile phone development Website , designing a proposal that input method instance of all application interact with the server of Chinese vocabulary , and using the server of input method for searching words .

  12. 所以,民众选择回归原始“大哥大”的用途也不是没有道理。该调查由英国手机回收网站“Envirofone”牵头,统计在英国上千万手机使用者。

    The research by Envirofone , which recycles mobiles , estimates there are 11million smartphones in the UK .

  13. 手机社交网站在墨西哥和阿根廷最热,每天74%和73%的人会用智能手机访问社交网站。

    Mobile social networking is biggest in Mexico and Argentina , where 74 % and 73 % of users visit a social network daily .

  14. 中国政权在昨天采取严厉的方法防止消息外泄,据闻,他们封锁了手机和网站采访。

    Chinese authorities yesterday took tough measures to prevent the spread of information , reportedly blocking outgoing mobile phone calls and access to websites .

  15. 上周,手机照片分享网站Instagram以5亿美元的估值获得5000万美元的风险投资。

    Last week , mobile photo-sharing site instagram raised $ 50 million from venture capitalists at a $ 500 million valuation .

  16. 一位办公室员工在中午外出用餐时用手机浏览时尚网站,购买最新款的UGG雪地靴。

    An office worker sitting outside during lunch browses fashion sites on her phone and buys the latest ugg boots before returning to her desk .

  17. 首先,不要为小屏幕智能手机设计桌面网站。

    First , do not design a desktop Web site for the small screen size of a smartphone .

  18. 匹配你的产品&举个例子来说,如果你是销售手机的,网站就应该设计得时尚点。

    Match you product For example , If you are selling Mobile phone , design your website in modern style .

  19. 确保在手机上测试网站并查看它的观感,尽管这看起来是一个理所当然的建议。

    While it may seem like an obvious suggestion , be sure to test the Web site on your phone to see how it looks and feels .

  20. 现年31岁的莫林是Path的创始人,Path是一家只能通过手机访问的社交网站。

    Morin , 31 , is the founder of path , a social network accessible only via mobile phone .

  21. 微博集合了手机短信、社交网站、博客和IM等四大媒介产品的特点。

    Microblog gathers four media product features of phone messages , social networking services , blogs and IM .

  22. 这两大趋势已经催生了大量针对手机用户的社交网站,如path和foursquare。

    These forces have already spawned a number of mobile-phone-focused social networks such as path and foursquare .

  23. 特别是随着3G市场的启动和用户规模的扩大,以及手机电视、手机网站等众多新媒体的涌现,使得以彩信为主要载体的手机报发展前景存在诸多的不确定性。

    Especially with the 3G market start-up and the customer base expands , as well as mobile TV , mobile websites and emergence of many other new media , there are many uncertainties for the prospects of Mobile paper with MMS as the major carrier .

  24. FeedHenry为消费者和企业应用程序的构建和配置提供云平台,应用该平台能够在单一的代码库基础上使所有的智能手机、社会媒体网站和浏览器顺利的运行。

    FeedHenry : FeedHenry provides a cloud platform for building and deploying consumer and enterprise apps that can run on all smartphones , social media sites and browsers from a single code base .

  25. 投票方式包括发手机短信、登录网站及填写调查问卷。

    People could vote via text message , the Internet or by filling out a questionnaire .

  26. 一个受欢迎的手机应用程序的网站——《今日头条》从3亿用户中收集数据展示了星爷自上世纪90年代在观众中的影响力。 , the website of a popular cellphone application , gathered data from its nearly 300 million users to show Chow 's influence on cinema audiences since the 1990s .

  27. 同时也给父母们敲响警钟,父母不仅要帮助孩子们远离短信和驾驶的危害,还要引导他们避免过度使用手机和一般社交网站。

    And this should be a wake-up call for parents to not only help their children stay safe by not texting and driving , but by discouraging excessive use of the cell phone or social websites in general .

  28. 但是手机社交在日本并未流行,仅34%的用户用手机访问社交网站。

    But mobile-social is weak in Japan where 34 % of users never visit a social network on their phone .

  29. 虽然在苹果的季度盈利报告中,iPhone销量是投资者最关注的数据之一,但分析师还预期手机平均销售价格将增加,这归功于iPhone7Plus的畅销,几周来该手机在苹果网站上一直脱销。

    Although iPhone unit sales areamong the most closely watched figures among investors when Apple reports itsquarterly earnings , analysts are also anticipating an increase to the averageselling price of a handset owing to the popularity of the iPhone 7 Plus , whichis sold out for weeks on Apple 's website .

  30. 最近,谷歌又与日本手机运营商NTT移动通讯(NTTDoCoMoInc.)和KDDI达成协议,利用NTT移动通讯的i-mode平台和KDDI手机提供谷歌网站搜索等服务。

    In Japan , Google recently joined with mobile operators NTT DoCoMo and KDDI to provide Google Web Search and other services on DoCoMo i-mode and KDDI mobile handsets .