
  1. 影像修辞与文学修辞具有共同的心理机制,但所用符码的根本不同,致使二者在表现形式上存在着诸多差异。

    Both image rhetoric and literature tropes are based on the same psychological mechanism , but on the other hand , there are lots of differences on their expressive formats as per their different codes .

  2. 他所做的符社会的规范。2.

    What he had done conforms to the standards of society .

  3. 将所选连接符线条改为直接连接符

    Changes the selected connector line to a straight connector

  4. 在第一章讨论了相关的研究进展之后,本论文第二章描述宋代民间巫师的情形,而第三章则描述宋代民间巫师所使用的符箓与咒语。

    This dissertation consists of seven chapters : firstly , an introduction to studies concerned and secondly , folk witch in the Song dynasties and thirdly , magic symbols and incantations they used .

  5. (如果在创建STAFF表时所用的限定符不是db2admin,您必须更改它,否则向导将无法找到STAFF表。)

    ( If your STAFF table was created with a qualifier other than db2admin , you must change it or the table will not be found . )

  6. 的确,监管机构有足够的证据证明,摩根大通及其收购的贝尔斯登(BearStearns)和华盛顿互惠银行(WashingtonMutual)向投资者出售的债券与他们所宣称的不符。

    Yes , regulators have plenty of evidence that JPMorgan ( JPM ) along with Bear Stearns and Washington Mutual , both of which JPMorgan bought sold bonds to investors that were not what they claimed .

  7. 如果输入跨度多行,则使用典型的regex是不够的,因为扫描将在$所指示的换行符处终止。

    If your input spans multiple lines , a typical regex won 't suffice because scanning terminates at a newline , denoted by $ .

  8. 在计算前确认所用列表分隔符不同于小数点字符。

    Make the list separator and the decimal separator different before calculating .

  9. 他关于那天晚上发生的事的陈述和证人所说的不符。

    His story of what happened that night didn 't correspond with the witness 's version .

  10. 如图中所示,选择符在规则的左边,它定义了文档中受影响的那些元素。

    The selector , shown on the left side of the rule , defines which piece of the document will be affected .

  11. 不称职或在资格、技术、身体和精神方面与所填报情况不符,无法履行雇佣规定的职责;

    E.incompetence or misrepresentation of the qualifications , skills , physical or mental fitness to satisfactorily perform the duties for which employee was hired ;

  12. 如果寄来的单据和信用证上所要求的不符,受益人将会被扣除80美圆的不符点费。

    If documents presented do not comply with the terms and conditions of this credit , a discrepancy fee of USD80.00 will be deducted from proceeds to the beneficiary .

  13. 如果所交货物与合同所规定规格不符,还有品质恶劣罚款。

    When the goods aren 't up to specification stated in the contract , there is also a penalty for poor quality .

  14. 运行时环境可以提供所需的任何额外处理,这取决于所指定的限定符。

    Depending on the qualifiers specified , the runtime environment supplies any required additional processing .