
fánɡ wū suǒ yǒu quán dēnɡ jì
  • registration of housing ownership
  1. 国家实行土地使用权和房屋所有权登记发证制度。

    The State shall practise a system of registration and certification for land-use right and ownership of houses .

  2. 公民申请房屋所有权登记,必须使用户籍姓名,不得使用化名、别名或假名。

    The citizen applies for building droit to register , must use census register full name , do not get use alias , alias or anonym .

  3. 商品房买卖登记包括两种类型,即商品房预售登记和房屋产权(所有权)登记;商品房预售登记使债权具有物权性,房屋产权登记旨在发生物权变动的公示与公信力。

    The registration of deal of marketable housing includes two types : presell registration and registration of property right .