
fáng kè
  • tenant;tenant(of a room or house);guest;lodger;boarder
房客 [fáng kè]
  • [tenant(of a room or house);lodger;boarder] 向房东租房居住的人

房客[fáng kè]
  1. 装修是一位前房客搞的。

    The decorating was done by a previous tenant .

  2. 按契约规定,房客负责房屋维修。

    Under the provisions of the lease , the tenant is responsible for repairs .

  3. 他们赶走了未交房租的房客。

    They had evicted their tenants for non-payment of rent .

  4. 以下规定仅适用于2003年1月1日后入住的房客。

    The following applies only to tenants in occupation after January 1 2003 .

  5. 许多房客因不付房租被赶了出来。

    A number of tenants have been evicted for not paying the rent .

  6. 房客务请在离开之日的中午以前腾出房间。

    Guests are requested to vacate their rooms by noon on the day of departure .

  7. 珍妮收了一个房客,以减轻按揭的负担。

    Jennie took in a lodger to help with the mortgage .

  8. 那里的房客要求提供服务。

    There have been demands for services from tenants up there

  9. 那时候,我妈妈接待房客。

    At that time my mother took in paying guests .

  10. 如果房客将房子转租,他们仍承担责任。

    Tenants remain liable if they pass on their lease .

  11. 上一拨房客连草都没有修剪。

    The most recent tenants hadn 't even cut the grass

  12. 刈剪草坪、倒掉垃圾是房客该做的事。

    Mowing lawns and taking out the trash are jobs for the tenant .

  13. 如果其他条件不变,大多数房客都愿意住单人间而不会选择与他人同住。

    Other things being equal , most tenants would prefer single to shared rooms

  14. 为维护房客的利益,条例明确规定了房东负有的各项义务。

    Regulations placed clear obligations on the landlord for the benefit of the tenant

  15. 共有40多位房客,他们全部住在这家医院的一个病区。

    There were over 40 tenants , all occupying one wing of the hospital

  16. 新房客被自己反锁在屋外,于是只好破门进去。

    The new tenants locked themselves out of their apartment and had to break in

  17. 我们已给每位成人房客减去了25美元,这就是基本的房费价格了。

    We have subtracted $ 25 per adult to arrive at a basic room rate .

  18. 有两位房客和他同住。

    He had two tenants living with him

  19. 这家旅馆仅向房客提供全身按摩服务。

    This hotel offers full-body massage only to its residents .

  20. 他们把那些房子的全部房客都清出去了。

    They have cleared all the tenants out of those houses .

  21. 我们昨天迁出,新房客今天就要迁入。

    We moved out yesterday and the new tenants are moving in today .

  22. 虽然华尔街高管利用收费高昂的律师来确保他们的团队不用对2008年金融危机所揭示的不当行为负责,但这些银行滥用我们的法律制度,取消抵押贷款的赎回权,驱逐房客,其中一些房客甚至并不欠钱。

    While Wall Street executives used their expensive lawyers to ensure that their ranks were not held accountable for the misdeeds that the crisis in 2008 so graphically revealed , the banks abused our legal system to foreclose on mortgages and eject tenants , some of whom did not even owe money .

  23. 小气的房东在房客的取暖和热水供应上进行克扣

    Penny-pinching landlords stinted their tenants on heat and hot water .

  24. 我朋友是我叔叔家的房客。

    My friend is a lodger in my uncle 's house .

  25. 吉尔和休在对待房客的问题上意见不和。

    Jill and Sue are at variance over their lodger .

  26. 半个小时之后,这位惊讶不已的服务员打算问问房客要水做什么,英国人泰然自若地回答:“没什么,只不过是我的房间里起火了。”

    The servant brought him another glass of water . Every few minutes the Englishman would come out of his room and repeat his request . After a half-hour the astonished servant decided , " It 's simply that my room is on fire . "

  27. 假设“X”等于有电视的数量而“Y”等于正在工作的房客

    If " X " equals the number of units with televisions , and " Y " equals the people who are at work right now ,

  28. 很受欢迎的DirtyFrench餐厅在酒店一层,房客拥有优先预订权。

    The intensely popular bistro Dirty French is on the entry level of the hotel , and hotel guests are given priority reservations .

  29. tenant(房客或佃户)占用公寓、建筑物、农场等,但并非所有者。

    A tenant occupies a flat , a building , a farm , etc but does not own it .

  30. 与此同时,租金继续上涨,部分原因是附近的乔治敦大学(GeorgetownUniversity)法学院在源源不断地向该地区输送学生房客。

    Rents , meanwhile , have continued to rise , partly because of a seemingly never-ending supply of student tenants from the nearby Georgetown University law school .