
  • 网络OUTDOOR;Outdoor Shoes
  1. 目前,泰尼卡主要产品包括登山鞋、户外鞋和休闲鞋三大类。

    Major products of Tecnica are : mountaineering shoes , outdoor shoes and leisure shoes .

  2. 生活方式是互联网的另一个主要领域,网上采购项目包括服装、保健品和个人消费品、珠宝首饰及手表、运动鞋及户外鞋、服装附件等。

    Lifestyle was another major area where online purchases included clothes , health and personal goods , jewellery and watches , sports and outdoor shoes , and clothing accessories .

  3. 户外鞋防水透气,必能为您在最艰钜的环境下提供适切保护。

    Footwear is durably waterproof , breathable and protects you from even the toughest conditions – guaranteed .

  4. 但事实上是,我常常在气温不到20华氏度的地方跑步,所以我得穿好几层抓绒衫,还必须穿上一双质量不错的户外防水徒步鞋。

    But in reality I 'm running in20-below temperatures , so I wear layers of fleece and always a good outdoor waterproof trail shoe .