
  • 网络Second moment of area;moment of inertia;area moment of inertia
  1. 用H型钢梁截面惯性矩较精确的近似计算公式来代替其精确计算公式,从而建立了楔形H型钢梁内力分析的传递矩阵法。

    Exact calculating formula of area moment of inertia of H-section steel beam is instead of its approximate calculating formula , So transfer matrix method of tapered H-section steel beam about its internal force analysis is established .

  2. 与传统灌注桩相比,新型桩具有截面惯性矩大、单方混凝土承载力高等优点。

    Comparing with traditional cast-in-site concrete piles , the new-type piles have such advantages including big section moment of inertia and high bearing capacity of unit volume concrete .

  3. 对GB/T13096.2&1991中弓形试样截面惯性矩计算公式的再讨论

    Re-discussion of the Calculating Formula of Moment of Inertia for Bow-Shaped Test Piece in GB / T 13096.2-1991

  4. 根据截面惯性矩相等的原则,推导了空腹巨型框架等效截面高度系数以及材料用量比。

    The equivalent section height coefficient and the ratio of material dosage of the hollow huge-frame structures were deduced based on the equal section inertia .

  5. 本文认为GB/T13096.2-91中计算弓形试样截面惯性矩的公式有误,同时指出在某些手册中有关计算公式也有误。

    This paper believes that the calculating formula of moment of inertia for bow-shaped test piece in GB / T13096.2-91 is wrong because of printing error .

  6. 本文提出计算截面惯性矩、惯性积的几何方法&作惯性圆法,该法具有直观、方便、简洁的优点。

    This paper puts forward a geometrical method of determining inertial moments and products & drawing the inertial circle , which is straight , convenient and simple .

  7. 焊接薄壁箱形构件由四块钢板焊接而成,截面惯性矩大,具有较好的截面稳定性能,适用于大跨度结构构件。

    Welded thin-walled box-shaped member is made of four steel plates which welded together ; cross-sectional moment of inertia of large cross-section has a good stability , suitable for large span structural member .

  8. 研究了不同激光扫描路径和顺序对球冠成形的影响,结果表明原始工件形状和扫描引起截面惯性矩的变化对三维激光成形有很大影响。

    It is considered that the affects of original shapes of the workpiece and the change of section moment of inertia causing by laser scanning on three - dimensional laser bending is great .

  9. 在密度等同的条件下,筋条截面惯性矩越大的开孔泡沫材料,其弹性模量也越大,而泊松比则越小。

    The Young 's modulus of the foam with the strut of larger second moment of the cross sectional area gets higher than that of the foam with the same relative density and the Poisson 's ratio in reverse .

  10. 对断裂的股骨用胶水粘合,用牙科锯在断裂处平整地锯断后,使用游标卡尺测出股骨的内外径,并计算出截面惯性矩。最后计算出骨材料力学指标。

    And paste in the rupturing thighbone with adhesive , after saw evenly the rupturing place by dental saw , to measure the femoral inner and outer lengths with vernier caliper and calculate the sectional moment of inertia , lastly calculate the indicators of bone material mechanics .

  11. 国标H型钢和剖分T型钢截面扭转惯性矩计算

    Calculation of torsional moment of inertia for hot rolled h and cut T section steel in national standard

  12. 闭口薄壁箱梁截面扭转惯性矩的计算方法

    Calculation method of the inertia torsion moment of the closed thin wall box beam

  13. 单元坐标法求截面静矩、惯性矩及惯性积

    Using the Unit of Coordinate to find Moment of Area , the Moment of Inertia and The Product of Inertia

  14. 梯形截面箱梁畸变惯性矩的计算

    Aberration inertia moment calculation on trapezoidal section box girder

  15. 受条件限制主梁不适宜采用大截面系数和大惯性矩;

    As restricted by conditions , large cross section factor and large moment of inertia are not adequate to be adopted on the main sill ;

  16. 一种利用三角形单元顶点坐标来求静矩、惯性矩、惯性积的方法,可用于求复杂形状截面的静矩、惯性矩及惯性积。

    : The unit of coordinate of the vertex on the triangle can find the moment of area , moment of inertia and the product of inertia on the cross - section , by which the problems on the cross - section of complex shape can also be solved .

  17. 通过分析扁平矩形截面纤维和圆形截面纤维的惯性矩和弯曲刚度,讨论了浆粕水刺复合非织造布和木浆纸水刺复合非织造布的拉伸性能和纤维缠结机理。

    The moment of inertia and bending rigidity of flat fiber and round fiber were compared , and fiber entanglement mechanism and tenacity property of wood pulp and tissue spunlace composite nonwovens were discussed .

  18. 变截面拱的弯矩在很大程度上取决于拱截面的惯性矩Ⅰ的变化规律。在惯性矩自拱顶向拱脚逐渐增大的无铰拱,随着截面惯性矩的增大,截面的弯矩也增大。

    Based on the practical engineering , the article draws the following conclusion : 1 . The moment of the arch section lies on the change of the moment of inertia .

  19. 一个厘米截面的特性称为单位特性,即单位截面模量和单位截面惯性矩。

    The properties of these one centimetre sections are called unit properties , that is unit section modulus and unit moment of inertia .