
zhàn lüè tài shì
  • strategic situation;strategic position
  1. 第五,在SWOT分析基础上,对整个战略态势的分析进行总结和比较,从而明确HYT企业集团未来的战略选择,制定出企业的中长期发展战略、业务战略、职能战略。

    Fifth , in the SWOT analysis , based on the analysis of the strategic situation summarized and compared , and clear enterprise group of future HYT strategic choice , work out the enterprise in long-term development strategy , business strategy , strategic functions .

  2. 南海及周边地区的战略态势与中国对策

    Strategic Situation of the South China Sea and Its Periphery Area and the Responding Tactics Adopted

  3. 该文提出了一种基于Web的战略态势表现系统研究与实现思路。

    Research and realization idea of a strategy situation representation system based upon web is given in this paper .

  4. 在分析公司面临的机会与威胁的基础上,运用SWOT综合整理出公司的总体战略态势。

    Following the analysis of GAMECO 's opportunities and threats and the use of SWOT method , general strategy situation is organized .

  5. 第三部分分析公司的外部环境与内部条件等战略态势;

    The third one analyzes conditions inside and outside the company ;

  6. 朝鲜的核、导战略态势及其影响

    Status of strategy of nuclear and missile and Its Effects of DPRK

  7. 试论我国煤炭战略态势与大集团使命

    About the situation and task of the big group of coal enterprises

  8. 国际战略态势对中国更为有利。

    The international strategic posture was more favorable to China .

  9. 面向对象的战略态势表现系统研究与设计

    Study and Design of Object-oriented Strategy Situation System of Representation

  10. 冷战后东亚的两种战略态势及冲突

    The Situation and Conflict Two Different Strategy in East Asia After Cold war

  11. 世纪之交国际战略态势

    International Strategic Trends at the Turn of Century

  12. 最后,给出了开发战略态势表现系统的基本工作思路。

    At last , the basic working method to develop strategy situation representation system is presented .

  13. 建设西安为西北地区金融中心战略态势向量评价模型

    Vector Evaluation Model of Strategic Situation for Building Xi ' an into the Financial Centre in North-West China

  14. 日美同盟关系的调整不仅为日本的安全防卫和政治外交政策带来了变化,而且还对亚太地区乃至全球的安全战略态势产生着深远影响。

    The adjustment will have far-reaching influence on Japan 's security and diplomacy and the posture of global security strategy .

  15. 首先分析战略态势表现所要解决的两个基本问题,即态势数据和可视化表现;

    First , the two basic problems , which situation representation should solve , are analyzed , named situation data and visualization representation .

  16. 该模型主要包括四个阶段:外部环境认知阶段、战略态势认知阶段、企业战略构想阶段、敏捷制造战略决策阶段。

    The Model consists the following four steps : external environment cognition , strategic situation cognition , enterprise strategic conception and AM Strategy decision .

  17. 首先分析了国际能源发展的战略态势和我国能源的形势、存在的主要问题和面临的挑战。

    This article first analyzes the strategic trend of energy development in the world , and the current situation , problems and challenges of energy in China .

  18. 从大国战略态势、大国关系新变化、国际安全环境、中国对外战略等四个方面综合分析2006&2007年的国际战略形势。

    This paper analyzes 2006-2007 international strategical situation from four respects : strategical position of great powers , new changes of relations between great powers , international security circumstance etc.

  19. 印美关系快速发展,将会对南亚地区、亚洲地区的力量平衡乃至全球战略态势产生影响。

    Rapid development of India-US relations will have an effect on the balance of power in South Asia , the whole of Asia and even on the global strategic posture .

  20. 中日双方拟议的军舰互访将成为一个强有力的象征,表明了两国建立更密切联系的意愿。近年来,两国一直担心地关注着彼此的战略态势。

    The planned port visits by Chinese and Japanese warships would be a powerful symbol of willingness to build closer ties between two countries that have watched changes in each other 's strategic posture with concern in recent years .

  21. 实施安全生产主导要素控制方法可以有效拓展安全资源的内涵和外延,深入生产企业安全管理的各个方面,是打造安全工作高端发展的战略态势的重要方法。

    Implement control of guiding factors in safety production can effectively expand the connotation and outer extension of safety resources , deepen into various expects of safety management of enterprises and is the important method for create safety work at high level .

  22. 美国和南亚国家加强了军事和经济合作,进行政治斡旋以缓和南亚紧张的核战略态势;提升与印度的战略关系从而遏制中俄发展并实现其印度洋海洋战略。

    Besides strengthening the military and economic cooperation with South Asian countries and mediating politically to ease nuclear strategic tensions in South Asia , the United States promotes strategic relationship with the India to contain the development of China and Russia and achieves its marine strategy in Indian Ocean .

  23. 中国企业实施可持续发展战略的态势分析

    Analysis of china 's business participation in implementing sustainable development strategy

  24. 东部发达地区小城镇实施可持续发展战略的态势分析

    Analysis of Sustainability of Small Towns in East China

  25. 美国全球能源战略控制态势评述

    The Global Energy Strategy Control Situation of US

  26. 传统单一的态势表现,已无法满足战略模拟态势表现的需要。

    Traditional single situation representation can not satisfy the need of strategic simulation situation representation .

  27. 但如今双方的战略紧张态势正在加剧。

    But strategic tensions are rising .

  28. 两国间这种日益增长的战略敌对态势,将影响到一系列议题的讨论,如朝鲜问题、能源和食品短缺威胁等。

    This burgeoning strategic rivalry between the two countries will colour the discussion of a range of other issues , including North Korea and the threat of energy and food shortages .

  29. 首先,文章对冷战后亚太安全形势的发展进行了科学分析,着重阐述了冷战后亚太安全形势的特点,美国亚太安全战略新态势和中国亚太安全战略新思路。

    First , this paper offers a scientific analysis of the development of the security situation in Asia-Pacific region , after the Cold War stressing the newly sprung features , the us recent strategy , and the new thinking of china .

  30. 我国区域经济发展战略调整及态势分析

    Analyses of the Strategic Adjustment and Situation about Regional Economic Development in China