
  • 网络Strategic Information
  1. 基于CSCW的战略信息系统

    The Strategic Information System Based on CSCW

  2. 战略信息系统(SIS)的探讨

    Discussion of the strategic information system

  3. 因为竞争情报系统是企业ERP与电子商务的战略信息纽带,通过该系统可以从中挖掘有价值的情报资源,为决策者提供战略信息支持。

    CIS is strategy ligament between ERP and E-commence , it can provide value-added information for decision .

  4. 最后探讨了基于CSCW的战略信息系统的网络安全问题。

    The safety problems of networks based on CSCW are presented at last .

  5. 本文介绍了物流战略信息规划的基本方法以及中远、白沙物流、IBM信息规划的案例。

    This article describes the logistics strategic information planning , as well as the basic method of COSCO , Baisha Logistics and IBM Information Planning case .

  6. 网络战略信息系统时期,信息系统规划(ISP)与企业规划(BP)关系研究成为企业信息化建设的焦点问题。

    The relationship of information systems planning ( ISP ) and business planning ( BP ) is a hot topic in strategic information systems ( SIS ) era .

  7. 在这种环境下如何开展战略信息系统规划(SISP)的问题至今还没有一个令人满意的答案。

    In this environment how to carry through strategic information systems planning ( SISP ) is perplexing .

  8. 企业战略信息资源管理层次构建

    The Construction of Hierarchy in the Enterprise Strategic Information Resources Management

  9. 组织战略信息系统用户情报行为研究

    Study on Information Behavior of User of Organization Strategic Information System

  10. 金融业战略信息系统的构造

    An introduction to construction of the finance strategy information system

  11. 企业战略信息系统开发中的信息分析

    Information Analysis in the Development of Enterprise Strategic Information System

  12. 试论企业预警战略信息系统的建立

    Discussion on Establishment of Warring Strategic Information System in Enterprises

  13. 企业战略信息管理绩效评价体系研究&以制造性企业为例

    The Study on Performance Evaluation System of Strategic Information Management

  14. 基于核心能力的战略信息系统规划方法

    Strategic Information Systems Planning Method Based on Core Competence

  15. 企业的战略信息集成管理研究

    Research on the Enterprises ' Strategic Information Integration Management

  16. 企业战略信息管理的理论模型

    The Theoretical Model of Strategic Information Management in Enterprises

  17. 建造企业功能性战略信息平台

    Information model of construction machinery CAID Establishment of functional strategic information systems for enterprises

  18. 一个集成的战略信息系统规划框架

    An integrated framework for strategic information systems planning

  19. 本文研究的主要内容是战略信息系统在企业过程中的应用。

    This study focuses on the application of strategic information systems in business process .

  20. 大型仓储经贸进出口企业战略信息系统的构造

    The Structure of Strategy Information System in Large-scale Goods Economy & Trade Export Enterprise

  21. 航天信息与地理信息一体化网络系统及其在可持续发展战略信息社会中的应用研究

    Outer Space Information and Geographic Information Network System and Application to Sustainable Development Information Society

  22. 战略信息管理系统将最大可能的降低信息不对称带来的风险和不必要的浪费,战略信息管理系统已经成为成功企业的长期战略性资产。

    Strategic information management can largely reduce the risk and waste caused by inadequate intelligence .

  23. 企业内部的战略信息资源传播

    Communication of Strategic Information Resources in Enterprises

  24. 动态战略信息系统规划方法

    Dynamic Strategic Information Systems Planning Methodology

  25. 网络环境下的企业竞争的信息需求包括对竞争对手信息、竞争环境信息、竞争战略信息的需求。

    Information for business competitors in network environment includes information of rivals , environment and strategies .

  26. 战略信息系统规划研究述评

    Review of Strategic Information Systems Planning

  27. 铁路战略信息系统探析

    Research on Railway Strategic Information System

  28. 最后提出战略信息管理绩效提升的一些建议。

    At last , it gives some advices about improving the performances of strategic information management .

  29. 战略信息系统规划项目

    Strategic Information Systems Planning Project

  30. 获得那些能使你在面试时谈吐内容专业、带来有价值洞察力的战略信息。

    Acquire strategic information that will enable you to speak knowledgeably and offer valuable insight during your interview .