
  • I Want to Live
  1. 我要活下去,这是我唯的一希望。

    I want to live , this is my only one hope .

  2. 我的灵肉都在无声呐喊,我不要离去,我要活下去。

    Both my spirit and body shout soundlessly that I don 't want to die , and I want to live .

  3. 下一季的《我要活下去》将在泰国的一个小岛上拍摄。

    The next season of Survivor will be filmed on a small island in Thailand .

  4. 我要活下去

    The Will To Live

  5. 艺术家尼克塞耶斯创造了这个上述所谓的“我要活下去”,一块遮挡废料房地产旨在建立一个关于无家可归和可持续建筑的声明创建的迹象。

    Artist Nick Sayers created this piece above called " To Live ", a shelter created from scrap real estate signs designed to create a statement about homelessness and sustainable building .

  6. 我要试著活下去,带著爱、带著梦,以及。

    I will try to live with love , with dreams , and .

  7. 玛利亚:我要战斗着活下去吗?

    Maria : do I fight and live ?

  8. 爸爸,你不高兴吗?我要永远永远地活下去!

    I 'm going to live for ever and ever and ever !

  9. 我要永远永远地活下去!”

    I 'm going to live for ever and ever and ever ! "

  10. 我不想死,我要活下去。

    I don 't wanna die , I wanna live .

  11. 我不知道那时我要怎么活下去。

    I don 't know how I 'll survive , then .

  12. 我知道无论如何,我一定要活下去。

    I knew somehow that I had to stay alive .

  13. 但是我一直担心着家人的安危,所以我决定要竭尽全力活下去。

    But my thoughts were focused on my family . I decided to make every effort to survive .

  14. 而且有时间的话,我每天的选择的不仅仅是我将如何生活,而是我是否要活下去。

    And at an even more practical level , every day I choose not only how I will live , but if I will live .