
  1. 我的姐姐给了我这本非常好看的书。

    My sister 's given me this brilliant book .

  2. 我的姐姐按我的身材把父亲的上衣裁短了。

    My sister cut father 's coat down to fit me .

  3. 我的姐姐在医学院上学。

    My sister studies at a medical college .

  4. 请你叫一下我的姐姐好吗?

    Will you are so kind as to call my sister ?

  5. 不仅我的姐姐喜欢音乐,而且我的父母也喜欢音乐。

    My parents as well as my elder sister enjoy music .

  6. 我的姐姐想乘车去镇上转一转。

    My sister wanted to go for a ride around town .

  7. 我的姐姐是八十年代的北京大学的学生。

    My sister was a student at Beijing University in the1980 's.

  8. 你可知道,我的姐姐(或妹妹)玛丽一个人干两份工作。

    My sister Mary works two different jobs , you know .

  9. 我的姐姐上周结婚了,我送了她一条项链。

    My sister last week . I gave her a necklace .

  10. 我的姐姐生病了,需要很多钱。

    My sister is ill and needs a lot of money .

  11. 我的姐姐沧月在等我回来吃晚饭。

    My old sister November is waiting me to have supper .

  12. 我的姐姐很幸运,被北京大学录取了。

    My sister was lucky to be admitted to Beijing University .

  13. 我的姐姐就收到了关于她丈夫阵亡的电报。

    My sister received a telegram when her husband was killed .

  14. 你想想。我的姐姐三天内就要到这儿来了。

    Just think ! My sister will be here in three days .

  15. 我的姐姐是一位学生。我的哥哥是一位棒球运动员。

    My sister is a student My brother is a baseball player .

  16. 我的姐姐犯有骄傲之罪。

    My sister is guilty of the sin of pride .

  17. 对不起,我的姐姐生病了,所以我

    I 'm sorry , but my sister was ill , so I

  18. 很幸运,我的姐姐从国内给我带了些月饼过来。

    Luckily , my sister takes some mooncakes to me .

  19. 我的姐姐比较大,吓得直哭。

    My sister , who was older , was terrified and wept .

  20. 我的姐姐喜欢说我是一个神经科医生。

    My sister likes to say I 'm a shrink .

  21. 我的姐姐差不多上中学了;

    My older sister was almost in high school already ;

  22. 是那一种小鸟?我的姐姐问。

    " What kind of bird ?" my sister asked .

  23. 骑着黑色自行车的妇女是我的姐姐。

    The woman on a black bike is my sister .

  24. 我的姐姐的手正在打印一封信。

    My sister 's hands are typing a letter .

  25. 我的姐姐打算去拜访他的老师。

    My sister is going to visit her teacher .

  26. 我的姐姐,保罗介绍她说。

    My sister , said Paul , presenting her .

  27. 我的姐姐仍然躺在地下。

    My sister still lies rotting in the ground .

  28. 我的姐姐比我大三岁。

    My sister is three years older than me .

  29. 你跟我的姐姐有点像。

    You bear a faint resemblance to my sister .

  30. 我们把它送到打折店呢还是我们打电话给我的姐姐?

    We give it to the thrift store or we call my sister ?