
  • 网络My Olympics
  1. Suzie,我的大嫂是奥林匹克游泳运动员!

    Suzie , my eldest brother 's wife is an Olympic swimmer !

  2. 因此,在法律依据上应对我国现行的《奥林匹克标志保护条例》进行修改,提高其立法层次,借鉴有益经验,补充和完善现有法律规定。

    In response to the legal basis we should modify " Regulations on the Protection of the Olympic logos ", improve its legislative level , draw on the useful experiences , add and improve the existing legal provisions .

  3. 在我国未来奥林匹克教育发展过程中,应时刻保持对国际奥林匹克教育发展动态的敏感,借鉴其好的经验并结合我国实际情况,制定适合我国的奥林匹克教育计划。

    In the future development of Olympic Education in our country , we should be sensitive to the new trends of international Olympic Education . By learning the experience and combing the actual situation of our country , we can make the education plan that can work for us .