
  1. 随着我们迈过这十年,进一步增长将扭转全球失衡这一当前汇率争论的核心问题。

    As we progress through this decade , further growth will reverse the global imbalances that lie at the heart of the current currency debate .

  2. 我们将在这十年内达到这个目标。

    and we 'll do it by the end of the decade .

  3. 人民为什么拥护我们?就是这十年有发展,发展很明显。

    Why do the people support us ? Because over the last ten years our economy has been developing and developing visibly .

  4. 我们要在这十年内(科学规划也是十二年,还有十年),建立无产阶级知识分子的队伍。

    We should form a contingent of proletarian intellectuals within the next ten years ( the plans for the development of science also cover twelve years , and there are still ten years left ) .

  5. 嗯哼,我们能不能跳过这十年啊?

    Um , can we skip this decade ?